Listed herein are names of Lynnhaven Parish congregants who
were members of our three churches (1637-1692 - first church at Church Point; 1692-1736 - second church called the Brick Church; 1736 – 1856 - the third church up to closing of doors for lack of membership; and reconstruction of a burned out church in 1916 up to the present). From time to time the church office receives inquiries for a family
genealogy search. If their family names appear below, this listing might be a
good starting point for their research. The best way to use this web site in
order to find a desired surname is to go to “Edit” in the top left hand side of your screen and select “Find on this page.” Type in your desired surname.
Men’s Breakfast started in 1986. The First Wednesday Morning Men’s Breakfast was started by Vaughn Wilson held every Wednesday and has continued to be held weekly ever since. From one to two dozen men get together with jokes and themes that are often religious but also can be anything the presenter chooses, each member having his time to talk and create discussion. For many years Dave Arnold was the moderator until his death in 2008. He had a wealth of jokes to tell and often interjected his conservative firebrand thoughts into the mix. This is a list of men who attended the breakfast and have since passed away. A “V” after their name indicates they were a veteran and served in the U.S. military.
John (“Jack”) Barry- Aug 15, 2020 - V
Joseph "Joe" W. Trammel - Jun 27, 2019 -V
Ted Quandt - Jul 4, 2017 – V
K.C. Campbell - 17 April, 2016 - V
John E. (Johnny) Wool, Jr. – Nov 5, 2016 - V
John E. (Johnny) Wool, Jr. – Nov 5, 2016 - V
Dr. Bruce Carter Watterson - Jan 2, 2015
Carter Valentine - April 17, 2014 - V
Beverley D. Tucker, Jr. – June 13, 2014 - V
Beverley D. Tucker, Jr. – June 13, 2014 - V
Al Jensen - Mar 14, 2014 – V
Tom Grubbs - Apr 26, 2013 – V
Richard l. “Buddy” Olsen – Feb 28, 2013 - V
Lawrence W. Payne – Nov 16, 2012 - V
Wayne Pierce - Nov 1, 2012 - V
Ben Joyce - Apr 13, 2012 - V
Thomas P. Hunter – Dec 13, 2011.
Bob Briggs - Apr 24, 2011 – V
Lowell Davis - Mar 3, 2011 – V
Roy Dale Awbrey - May 23, 2010 – V
John Ferebee – Feb 27, 2010 - V
Bart Rinehart - Dec 30, 2008 - V
Dave Arnold - Nov. 5, 2008 - V
George McAtee - Jun 25, 2008 - V
Lew Guarnieri - Feb 11, 2007 - V
Bud Hoffecker - Aug 15, 2005
Gene Hunter – circa 2001 – V
Roland Gill Blandford – Jun 23, 1998 - V
Veterans buried in the Old Donation Cemetery. Many more church
members who
served proudly defending our nation are not buried here or are were buried here
long ago with
crosses since gone. Obituaries denoting veterans with a “V” can be found under “Obituaries,”
listed above this web site.
Casket Burial Ground
Eaton Sr., William G. - Jan 25, 2011
McAtee, George W. - Jun 25, 2008
Rinehart, Barton B. - Dec 30, 2008
Davis, Herbert Lowell - Mar 3, 2011
the side of the church by
air conditioning units
Henderson, John – circa 1825
Kellam, Henry, Capt. – circa 1790
front of the handicapped parking
Shipp, C.L. – Apr 28, 1876
Moseley, Edward H. JR circa 1814
Saunders, Capt. Jonathan - Jan 1, 1765
Walke burial area
Walke, PVT Anthony - Sept 13, 1820
(Great Grandson of Colonel Walke)
Walke, Colonel Anthony - Nov 8, 1768
the back of the church.
Brownley, Jno. (John) – Oct 8, 1853
Kemp Virginia – June 28, 1962
Hodges, James Rudolph - Oct 25, 1951
Leitch, Jr., John David - Mar 1, 2004
Leitch, Elizabeth Kidman - Apr 13, 2014
Murphy Jr, Charlton L. - Dec 5, 1961
Awbrey, Roy Dale – May 23, 2010
Beale Jr., Robert O. - Mar 1, 2011
Groenke, Mark J. – Aug 30, 1989
Guarnieri, Lewis John – Feb 11, 2007
Macgregor, Robert M – Jul 15, 2003
Parks, Ann Nivison Bradford - Jun 21, 2002
(Daughter of Rufus & Diana Parks)
Parks, Littleton Walke – Dec 23, 2007
(Son of Rufus & Diana Parks)
Robertson, Fred Waldo – Jan 6, 2007
Smith, Leonard C – Sep 22, 2008
Tripician, Robert J. - Aug 20, 2012
Garden (Scattering Garden)
Arnold III, Joseph David - Nov. 5, 2008
Johnstone, Frank – May 28, 2009
- (no plaque)
Joyce, Benjamin - Apr 13, 2012
Payne, Lawrence W. Nov 16, 2012
- (no plaque)
DuVall, Jr., Seab Edgar - Nov 5, 2008
Freeman, John Lawrence - May 12, 2004
Intrieri, Leonard - Jul 7, 2009
MacDougall, Donald - Oct 8, 2009
Scott, Stanley Fitchett- Dec 21, 2012
the central isle of the church
Tucker, Beverley D. Jr. - Jun 13, 2014
plaque on the church wall
Dawley, Captain Dennis - circa 1779
Woodhouse, George H.H. - Oct 24, 1915
Alice Granbery Walter (1909 – 2003) - Conservationist and Historical
Alice made many contributions to Old Donation and to Virginia
Beach. Her most successful crusade was her fight to save the Old Coast Guard
Station and then the land next to it from developers creating the 24th St.
Ocean Front Park and the Maritime Museum, Virginia Beach’s, first museum. She
was a historian, artist, award-winning flower arranger, genealogist, and book
publisher of eight books and historical records, several maps and 191
genealogical charts of Colonial families (including hers) of Tidewater that
date back to the 1600’s. Her efforts on behalf of the Old Coast Guard Station
and other projects won her the Garden Club of America Historic Preservation
Award. Alice was a descendant of Thurmer Hoggard IV. Alice’s genealogy
research and other documents are kept in the Sargeant Memorial Collection at
the Norfolk Slover Library, part of a 39 volume binder collection of her
papers. The following are surnames of genealogies she traced:
1 Ackis
2 Ahwood
3 Argent
4 Ashall
5 Bacon
6 Bailey
7 Baker
8 Ballantine
9 Ballantine
10 Barchelor
11 Barroud
12 Bennet
13 Bigg
14 Blanch
15 Boush
16 Boushell
17 Bray
18 Brock
19 Brooks
20 Broughton
21 Brown
22 Butt
23 Camp
24 Capps
25 Carnick
26 Cartwright
27 Carway
28 Cary
29 Catson
30 Cawson
31 Cheeseman
32 Church
33 Cockroft
34 Cole
35 Cornick
36 Couper
37 Craford
38 Creekmore
39 Curle
40 Dale/Deale
41 Davis
42 Dawley
43 Dobbs
44 Dyer
45 Ellis
46 Emmerson
47 Emperor
48 Etheridge
49 Ewell
50 Farmer
51 Fentress
52 Fitgerald
53 Fluellin
54 Foster
55 Fowler
56 Frizle
57 Ganey
58 Gardner
59 Garnett
60 Gaskins
61 Gayney
62 Gibbons
63 Giles
64 Godfrey
65 Goodriche
66 Gookin
67 Granbery
68 Grandy
69 Gregory
70 Gurgunye
71 Haggard
72 Hall
73 Hancock
74 Harding
75 Hargrove
76 Henley
77 Herbert
78 Holmes
79 Holstead
80 Horne
81 Hoskins
82 Howell
83 Hughlett
84 Huxford
85 Ivie
86 Ivy
87 Jacob
88 James
89 Joel
90 Joyce
91 Kelsick
92 Kempe
93 Lake
94 Land
95 Langley
96 Lawson
97 Leake
98 Llewllyn
99 Lloyd
100 Lovett
101 Loyal
102 Lyon
103 Mackentosh
104 Malbone
105 Mallicote
106 Maning
107 Markham
108 Martin
109 Mason
110 Mathias
111 McCoy
112 McIntoch
113 Moore
114 Morgan
115 Moseley
116 Nash
117 Newman
118 Offley
119 Ogard
120 Paggett
121 Parter
122 Payne
123 Phillips
124 Pigot
125 Pipkin
126 Plume
127 Poole
128 Porten
129 Porter
130 Portlock
131 Potts
132 Powell
133 Quincy
134 Quiny
135 Rabyshaw
136 Ramsha
137 Ramshaw
138 Reynolds
139 Richason
140 Ridley
141 Robertson
142 Robins
143 Robinson
144 Robyns
145 Roscow
146 Saunders
147 Savage
148 Sayer
149 Scott
150 Seady
151 Seawell
152 Shepherd
153 Shipp
154 Sidney
155 Simmons
156 Smitth
157 Snale
158 Spivey
159 Spratt
160 Starnell
161 Stowe
162 Stratton
163 Tanner
164 Tatem
165 Taylor
166 Theraball
167 Thruston
168 Thurmer
169 Tignall
170 Tucker
171 Walter
172 Walke
173 West
174 Westcot
175 Westerhouse
176 Whiddon
177 White
178 Whitehead
179 Whitehurst
180 Wichard
181 Wiles
182 Wilkins
183 Williamson
184 Willouhby
185 Wills
186 Wilson
187 Woodhouse
188 Wright
189 Wythe
190 Yardley
191 Yates
Adam Thoroughgood's 105 Indentured Servants. Captain Adam Thoroughgood
(1604-1640) brought to Kecoughtan 105 indentured servants between 1628 and
1635. They came in 17 different ships. For paying their passage he was awarded headrights to 5,350
acres of undeveloped lands (today’s northern Virginia Beach). In the fall
of 1634 he moved across the James River with his indentured servants to develop
his new estate. Their names (in alphabetical order) are as follows:
1 Allerson, Ann
2 Alporte, Jon
3 Atkins. Wm. Jr
4 Atmore, Thomas
5 Belly, James
6 Bernard, Stephen
7 Bernards, John
8 Bilbie, Margaret
9 Blacock, Patrick
10 Boulton, Ann
11 Boulton, Thomas
12 Boyer Thomas
13 Boyer, Andrew
14 Bramly Franceis
15 Brewton, Jon
16 Brooks, Thomas
17 Burroughs, Ann
18 Burroughs, Wm
19 Chandler, Tho
20 Chant, Andrew
21 Colson, Susan
22 Cowes, John
23 Creaser, Eliza
24 Creaser, Tho
25 Curtisse, Eliza
26 Dyer John
27 Edwards, Wm
28 Eggleston, Arthur
29 Enies, John
30 Fawne, Wm
31 Fraford, Victor
32 Franklin, Henry
33 Gainie, Robert
34 Gastrock,Wm
35 Gosmore Eliz
36 Gye, Gilbert
37 Halley, Merciful
38 Harris, John
39 Heasell, Robert
40 Heyward, Humphrey
41 Hill, Henry
42 Hill, Jon
43 Hill, Mary
44 Hines, William
45 Holton, Jon
46 Holton, Wm
47 Hookes, Wm
48 Howell, Cob
49 Hutton, Daniel
50 Jenerie, Rich
51 Johnson, Richard
52 Jones, Edward
53 Keeling, Thomas
54 Kempe, Wm
55 Lane Rachel
56 Leading, James
57 Leake, Jos
58 Lock, John
59 Long, Ann
60 Marshall Thomas
61 Mee, George
62 Melton, Thomas
63 Moise, Jon
64 Newarke, Joh
65 Newgent, Christ
66 Newton, Franceis
67 Palmer, Edward
68 Parish, Edward
69 Penton, Jon
70 Persie, John
71 Pitts, Edward
72 Poole, Richard
73 Proseer, Jane
74 Reynolds Jon
75 Reynolds, Edward
76 Russell, Dennis
77 Sedgewick, Joseph
78 Smith, Thomas
79 Spark, Ann
80 Speed, Wm
81 Spring Robert
82 Stanfield, Symond
83 Swaine, Stephen
84 Thorowgood, Thomas (Adam Thorowgood’s
85 Underwood, Casandra
86 Wakefield, Jon
87 Wallis, Edward
88 Ward, Roger
89 Warner, Augustine *(George Washington's 2d
great grandfather)
90 Was, Wm
91 Waters, Jon
92 Westerfield, Jane
93 Westwell Robert
94 Wheeler, Dorothy
95 Whitehead, George
96 Whitthorne, Ann
97 Wilson, James
98 Windham, Edward
99 Withers, Jon
100 Withers, Stephen
101 Wood Henry
102 Writt, John
(3 unaccounted)
1637-1692 - Lynnhaven Parish Church No. 1. Adam Thoroughgood (1604-1640) shaped the area by leading the
Lynnhaven residents in politics and in religious matters. Gathering citizens of
the little Lynnhaven community, Adam Thoroughgood summoned Reverend William
Wilkinson (1612-1663) to hold services in his crude wooden home on Sunday May
17, 1637. Assembling at this first service were local residences Thomas
Keeling, William Kempe, Thomas Willoughby, Henry Seawell, and Henry Woodhouse.
Seven months later on August 3, 1640, the first vestry was appointed. Those
named in court minutes were Edward Windham, Henry Woodhouse, Bartholomew
Hosskine, Thomas Todd, Christopher Burroughs, Thomas Bullock, Thomas Caussonne,
Ensign Thomas Keeling, Robert Hayes, and John Lanckfield, along with Thomas Todd
and John Stratton as churchwardens.
Thoroughgood (1604-1640), Thomas Willoughby (1601-1657 ) and Henry Woodhouse
III (1607 - 1655) owned practically all the land between what became Willoughby
Spit and the Atlantic Ocean fronting on the Chesapeake Bay in the early 17th
Willoughby -
Woodhouse III -
Thoroughgood -
The Colonial Vestry Book of Lynnhaven
Parish, Princess Anne County, Virginia, 1723-1786
Here you will find names of ministers, vestrymen and wardens. The entire book is on web site
Here you can search for a surname. A search of the word church "Warden" turned up the following names:
Here you will find names of ministers, vestrymen and wardens. The entire book is on web site
Here you can search for a surname. A search of the word church "Warden" turned up the following names:
Maximilian Boush
John Cornick
Boush C
John Cornlck
Francis Land
James Kempe
Thorowgood Land
Thomas Rey.
John Ackiss
Edward Hack
Moseley Sr
Walke Jr
Joel Cornick
James Henley
Charles Williamson
John Cornick
A valuable use of this web site was a search of Reverend
Dickson to access if he had a family. A search of “Dickson” turned up the following in a discussion by the vestry concerning
Dickson’s will, Page 125 “the Amount of £1100:1 in
Specie one half of which is due to Dickson's Estate and the other half to the
Widow of the said Dickson who renounced his will.” From this we can assume
he had a wife but no children as nothing is mentioned in the will about “said children.” and Page 141 - Resolv'd that
it is the Opinion of this Vestry that the Slaves, named Harry, Lewis, Gefford,
and Lydla, that were set apart for the said Robert Dickson's Widow's Dower, and after
the expiration of which, as happening at her Death, were Devised to be sold, be
Purchas'd for the Use and purpose aforesaid… note: a Dower is a common law
that entitled a widow to a portion of her husband's estate in absence of a
There are two other sources that mention Rev. Dickson's wife, one names her "Amy," i.e., "Members of The War of 1812 Society in Virginia participate in a Plaque unveiling at the Old Donation Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach” Chapter 3 - Significant Historic Topics - Slavery
There are two other sources that mention Rev. Dickson's wife, one names her "Amy," i.e., "Members of The War of 1812 Society in Virginia participate in a Plaque unveiling at the Old Donation Episcopal Church in Virginia Beach” Chapter 3 - Significant Historic Topics - Slavery
“Upon his death in 1777, Dickson’s will stated that one half of his personal estate should go to his wife Amy, with the rest to be sold and the money to go to the Vestry of Lynnhaven Parish, and after the death of his wife the balance of the estate was to be sold to support the free school.”
"Virginia Colonial Churches," a Series of Sketches of Churches in the Original Colony of Virginia, , published by the Southern Churchman Co. 1907: pages 281-285, A Short Series on the History of Lynnhaven Parish in Princess Anne County, by Rev. C. B. Bryan, D. D. Rev. Dickson's Will: page 277 -“The will of Mr. Dickson was admitted to record February 14, 1777. By it he made provisions for the support of his widow, and then left his land and slaves in trust to the vestry for the purpose of establishing a free school for the education of orphan boys.” Also here are some more interesting articles in Virginia Colonial Churches - Rev Dickson's Donation for the Free School: Pages 283-284
“Upon his death in 1777, Dickson’s will stated that one half of his personal estate should go to his wife Amy, with the rest to be sold and the money to go to the Vestry of Lynnhaven Parish, and after the death of his wife the balance of the estate was to be sold to support the free school.”
"Virginia Colonial Churches," a Series of Sketches of Churches in the Original Colony of Virginia, , published by the Southern Churchman Co. 1907: pages 281-285, A Short Series on the History of Lynnhaven Parish in Princess Anne County, by Rev. C. B. Bryan, D. D. Rev. Dickson's Will: page 277 -“The will of Mr. Dickson was admitted to record February 14, 1777. By it he made provisions for the support of his widow, and then left his land and slaves in trust to the vestry for the purpose of establishing a free school for the education of orphan boys.” Also here are some more interesting articles in Virginia Colonial Churches - Rev Dickson's Donation for the Free School: Pages 283-284
Another interesting paragraph talks about the church's Communal Vessels.
The Communal Service: page 285
Church Membership 1916. One of the churches historical
treasures are comments made by Rev. Richard J. Alfriend in a notebook dated
October 11, 1916, the same day as the christening ceremony of the rebuilt
church. On this day a cornerstone and a time capsule were laid at the northeast
corner of the old church by the Virginia Beach Lodge 274 of the Ancient Free
& Accepted Masons (AF&AM).
Rev. Alfriend’s writing provides a list of 46 church members and a clue
about one of the items in the time capsule. Rev. Alfriends writes in pencil cursive style so not every word or
letter can be understood, but here is the best possible quote. Bob Perrine –
Church Historian.
[Back of front cover
in pen and possibly written by someone other than Rev. Alfriend]
Bill M
Isabella Marshall Haynes [the only record we have of “Haynes” is Henry Haynes who died in 1786 and was the
second husband of Betty Thorowgood (1747 – 1808) buried in our cemetery]
Mrs. Blanch H. Copeland
Charles Obed Sherwood [builder of the church in 1916]
[page 1] There is a
pen writing at the top of the page
1 In memory
[the rest of the page
is Rev. Alfriend’s writing]
The cornerstone of Donation Church was laid by the Masons of
Princess Anne Wednesday, October 11th 1916. In preparing the various records of
interest – to be placed in the Stone the writer thought it only just to put in
same a short sketch of one who was a faithful member of the parish of
Lynnhaven, Lay Reader, and representative in the Diocesan Council for 60 years
– Mr. Thurmer Hoggard late Senior Warden, Born 1819 – died 1902. This
contribution to his relics placed in the box of this same is offered in
gratitude for the love friendship shown the writer by this godly churchman. Mr.
Hoggard from his earliest youth, besides his interest in State & County
affairs (he was at one time County Treasurer) showed a deep and pious interest
in the affairs of his church of Old Donation. At the early age of 23 he was
[page 2]
appointed Lay
Reader (owing to the failing health of the Rector, the Reverend Mr. Hull) by
the late Bishop Meade. At this time he was elected by the Vestry as a delegate
to the Diocesan Council of Virginia, and represented his Church in the Councils
faithfully for 60 successive years.
Signed Richard J. Alfriend Rector
Signed Richard J. Alfriend Rector
Old Donation Church
October 11th 1916
[page 3]
And members of the Church of Old Donation
Officers of the Church
October 11th, 1916
Rector, the Rev Richard Jeffery Alfriend
Warden Judge Benjamin Dey White
Registrar Wilson S. Fintress
Tresurer B.D. White
Vestriman the above and
Charles M. Barnett
Josiah Woodhouse
Milenor Absalon
Stephen Slade.
Milenor Absalom
Mrs. Milenor Absalom
Nettie Absalom
Charles M. Barnett
Mrs Charles M. Barnett
Jeanie Barnett
Carlos Barnett
Joseph Barnette
Mrs George Butt.
Mrs. Ruth Bradshaw
Ross Bradshaw
Dora Bailey.
Mrs. Robert Campbell
Mrs Joshua Lo Fentress
Wilson S. Fentress
O.S. Fleming.
Mrs. O.S. Fleming
Alice Fleming
Sidney L. Miller x
[page 4]
Judge B.D. White
Mrs. B.D. White
Josiah Woodhouse
Mrs. Josiah Woodhouse
James E. Woodhouse
Mattie Woodhouse
Mrs. George H.H. Woodhouse
George F. Woodhouse Sr.
Mrs. George F. Woodhouse
George F. Woodhouse Sr.
Mif Minnie Woodhouse
F. Woodho [assume the spelling of Woodhouse was incomplete]
Mrs. Cynthia Woodhouse
Ode Woodhouse
Mary Woodhouse
Stephen Slade
Mrs. Stephen Slade
Stephen Slade Jr.
Julia Slade
George Ohlinger
Mrs. Webster Whitehurst
Mamie Whitehurst
Samuel Whitehurst
Mrs Earle Webster (42)
Mrs W W Everton
Officers of S.S. [assume S.S. stands for Sunday
Josiah Woodhouse Supt
Mary Woodhouse Secty [assume this is Mrs. Josiah Woodhouse as listed above]
Milenor Absalom Treasurer
Judge B.D. White
Mrs. B.D. White
Mrs George F. Ohlinger [not listed above]
Mrs. Ross Bradshaw [wife of Ross Bradshaw not listed above]
Mrs M Absolon [same as Milenor Absalon as listed above]
Rev Richd J Alfriend
[page 5]
The restoration of the ruins of Donation Church
and the organization of the new congregation and S.S. was pushed vigorously by
the Rector the Rev. R.J. Alfriend ably assisted by Wm E. Biddle the late
Warden. [he died April 1, 1915] and Josiah
Woodhouse who organized the S.S. and was its first Supt. - the Vestry &
Congregation, the late Mrs. Wilson S. Fentress, the 1st President of the Rector’s Guild, who
worked with zeal and skill. And Judge B.D. White – Treasure of the Ch.
Presented Warden of and Chairman of the building
Committee. It is largely due
to the The splendid success
in the erection of the beautiful temple to
the of new Old Donation is
largely due to the able financial management of the Chairman of this Committee
Judge White. The Arctect was Mr. William Lee of Norfolk. Who assisted by J. Builder Chas Obed Sherwood
[page 6] written in pan
Canian Coin by Gev Simpson Native of Canada
Pages 4 and 5
At christening ceremonies of the rebuilt church on October 11, 1916 a cornerstone and a time capsule were laid. The gleaming white cornerstone of Old Donation Church hidden in the azaleas at the northeast corner of the old church has this inscription:

The Ancient Free & Accepted Masons were invited to conduct the service by Senior Warden Freemason Judge Benjamin Dey White who began the ritual. Complete with elements of wine (the Wine of Refreshment), oil (the oil of Joy and Gladness) and corn (the corn of Nourishment), the participants followed the elaborate and formal readings. At the setting of the stone, the following passage appears: “Most Worshipful Master: It has ever been the custom of the craft on occasions like the present to deposit within the cavity within the foundation stone certain memorials of the period at which it was erected. Has such a deposit been prepared? It has been prepared and placed within a sealed box. You will read a list of the contents of the box. You will superintend and see that the box is deposited in the place prepared for its reception.” Judge White was a member of the Princess Anne Mason Lodge No 25 from 1908 to 1923. Also Rev Alfriend was a member of Virginia Beach Mason Lodge No 274 and was one of their chaplains in 1917. The following article was published in the local paper describing the event.
Impressive Service
Held Wednesday Afternoon Under Masonic Auspices
Pastor, Rev.
Alfriend, Delivers the Sermon
The Virginian Pilot and Norfolk Landmark, Sunday October 15, 1916
Note: Below is the article which is viewed below.
Note: Below is the article which is viewed below.
Services in connection with the
laying of the cornerstone at Old Donation Episcopal Church in Princess Anne
County were held Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. with an attendance of 400. The stone was laid with Masonic ceremonies
conducted by Virginia Beach Lodge 274, A.F. and A.M. and Princess Anne Lodge,
25, A.F. and A.M. under a special dispensation from James Austin Cabell, grand
master of Virginia. The religious services which
followed the laying of the cornerstone were conducted by the rector, Rev. R. J.
Alfriend, assisted by several prominent Norfolk clergymen, including Rev. F. C.
Steinmetz of Christ P.E. church; Rev. D.W. Howard of St. Luke’s P.E. church,
Rev. E.P. Miner of St. Luke’s and Rev.
J. Scott Meredith of Ascension P.E. church.
The sermon was preached by the rector, Rev. Alfriend. Many of those who attended the
services were from Norfolk and surrounding territory. Because of the history attached to the old parish, the
services were particularly impressive.
A hundred years later on Sep 16, 2016, the cornerstone was
cut out by a stone mason, member of Old Donation Church Mike Brunick. A
professional curator, Assistant Objects Conservator at the Colonial
Williamsburg Foundation Katherine McEnroe, painstakingly removed contents from
a small completely rusted time capsule in the cavity of the stone. The only contents proved to be a keyhole from
the completely rusted box, an 1888 one cent Canadian coin, and a folded,
unreadable and damaged set of papers. We believe the set of papers found in the capsule contained
writings from Thurmer Hoggard. A 1916 notebook written by Reverend Alfriend
stated, “In preparing the various records of interest – to be placed in the
Stone the writer thought it only just to put in same a short sketch of one who
was a faithful member of the parish of Lynnhaven, Lay Reader, and
representative in the Diocesan Council for 60 years – Mr. Thurmer Hoggard late
Senior Warden.”
On Tuesday Oct 11, at 3 p.m., the same Ancient Free &
Accepted Mason Lodge that conducted the ceremony one-hundred years before conducted a ceremony for replacing the stone. Actual replacement was carried out after this by certified stone masons that were contracted to
repair other parts of the weathered brick and mortar joints. Church members placed keepsakes and relics in the cavity that is now forever sealed. In comparison
to the 1916 time capsule, a list of those objects will be kept in the church's historical library. Since the 1916
capsule was very small, 9 x 4 x 4-1/2 inches, with a cavity only slightly
larger, the Church Historical Traditions Committee decided not to replace literature
or documents in the capsule as the church now has a library full of books about church current affairs and history. As a church with a long unbroken history, the Historical Traditions Committee continues to research genealogical records and other historical documents, many of which are presented herein.
After completion of the church, gifted items from St Paul’s Church, Christ Church, St. Luke’s Church, the first Lynnhaven Parish, and private benefactors were recorded by Reverend Richard J. Alfriend on an old Royal typewriter. The letter was undated. He mistakenly included items from the first church at church point that were not in that church. He wrote, "the Baptismal font, Communion service, and on pewter collection plate are the same ones used in the original church at Church Point." Maximilian Boush II gave the church the pewter collection plate in the early 18th century and between 1712 and 1716 Queen Anne gave to the church the Queen Anne Communion service. As for the Baptismal font, Reverend Alfriend's letter started the myth of how it was once used as a ship's anchor.(see above letter)
The date on the gravestone inscription, “RECONSECRATED MAY 15, 1916” is most likely in error as it was taken from Reverend Alfriend's typed letter (see above). This date was during construction and not likely a time for consecration. Because most of the church was burned by a woods fire in 1882, it was consecrated May 15, 1918 after notes to the bankers in New York were paid off. An article in the Virginian Pilot May 16, 1918 was most likely used by Reverend Alfriend and the "1918" date typed as "1916" by mistake. The article was as follows:
In the presence of a large congregation with a number of the clergy in attendance, the new edifice of Old Donation Protestant Episcopal church, Princess Anne County, was solemnly consecrated to the worship of God yesterday, Bishop Beverly D. Tucker officiating. The music was under the direction of Mr. J. J. Miller, organist of Christ church of this city, the boy choir of the church taking effective part. The Holy Communion was celebrated, and the consecration sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. C. B. Bryan of Petersburg, who was rector of the parish including Old Donation many years ago. The services were participated in by Rev. William A. Brown of Portsmouth, Rev. Dr, Steinmetz of Christ Church, Norfolk, Rev. Dr. Howard of Saint Luke’s, and Rev. H. H. Covington of Saint Paul’s
The present building was erected within recent years upon the site of the previous buildings, the earliest of which dates back to 1640, or possibly earlier. Rev. R. J. Alfriend, the present rector, was assigned to the parish, which includes Kempsville and Old Donation. in 1912. With the earnest co-operation of Judge B. D. White the house was erected and furnished, and a congregation was gathered. The ceremonies of yesterday crowned the labors of years, and gave a large measure of gratification to the rector, the members of the parish, and the many friends who had witnessed or taken part in the rebuilding of the sanctuary….
Fourteen ministers were in attendance. Bishop B. D. Tucker and Suffragan Bishop Arthur C. Hhomsen participated in this service.
The Online Old Donation Obituary File - for those we have found an obituary (with most of a recent time). Following is a list of congregants who were 18th and 19th century church members. See our Obituary File @
The Virginia Pilot, May
16, 1918
In the presence of a large congregation with a number of the clergy in attendance, the new edifice of Old Donation Protestant Episcopal church, Princess Anne County, was solemnly consecrated to the worship of God yesterday, Bishop Beverly D. Tucker officiating. The music was under the direction of Mr. J. J. Miller, organist of Christ church of this city, the boy choir of the church taking effective part. The Holy Communion was celebrated, and the consecration sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. C. B. Bryan of Petersburg, who was rector of the parish including Old Donation many years ago. The services were participated in by Rev. William A. Brown of Portsmouth, Rev. Dr, Steinmetz of Christ Church, Norfolk, Rev. Dr. Howard of Saint Luke’s, and Rev. H. H. Covington of Saint Paul’s
The present building was erected within recent years upon the site of the previous buildings, the earliest of which dates back to 1640, or possibly earlier. Rev. R. J. Alfriend, the present rector, was assigned to the parish, which includes Kempsville and Old Donation. in 1912. With the earnest co-operation of Judge B. D. White the house was erected and furnished, and a congregation was gathered. The ceremonies of yesterday crowned the labors of years, and gave a large measure of gratification to the rector, the members of the parish, and the many friends who had witnessed or taken part in the rebuilding of the sanctuary….
Fourteen ministers were in attendance. Bishop B. D. Tucker and Suffragan Bishop Arthur C. Hhomsen participated in this service.
The Online Old Donation Obituary File - for those we have found an obituary (with most of a recent time). Following is a list of congregants who were 18th and 19th century church members. See our Obituary File @
Hoggard IV (Jun 11, 1819 - Nov 4, 1902)
David M.
Walke (Jan 26, 1800 – June 9, 1854)
Dixon (1807 - 1853)
Ann Brownley
(1780 - Oct 8, 1853)
Jno. (John)
Brownley (1780 - Oct 8, 1853)
Anne Tabitha
Walke (Jun 1817 - Aug 4th, 1837)
Walke (Apr 1812 - Jan 2, 1833)
Henderson (1769 – 1825)
Walke (1778 - 13 Sep 1820)
Livingston Walke (Apr 1819 - Sep 26, 1819)
Anthony Walke III (1755 - 1814)
Edward H. Moseley (1743 - Feb. 4, 1814)
Walke (1762 - Jan 1, 1795)
Capt. Henry Kellam (? - 1790)
Nancy Kellam
(April 1789 – May 1789)
Anthony Walke (1692 - Nov 8, 1768)
Jonathan Saunders (1726 – Jan 1, 1765)
Sherwood (1660 - Aug 15, 1701)
Old Homes Built by Church Members. The following homes were built by Lynnhaven Parish
congregants (builder’s name at the end of the home’s address). Some are no longer standing as marked. A
visit to their current owner might shed light on the builder's descendants. There are five open to the
public as marked with an asterisk (*). The number for each home correspond to “Old Homes @
(1) 1634 - Adam Thoroughgood House No 1. at 4236 Battery
Road in Baylake Pines (no longer there), - Adam Thoroughgood
(2) 1634 - Broad Bay Manor / John B. Dey House at 1710 Dey
Cove Drive - Thomas Allen (1607-1660).
(3) 1636 - Adam Keeling House at 3157 Adam Keeling Road -
Thomas Keeling (1608 - 1664).
(5) 1638 – The Henry Woodhouse House at 425 N Woodhouse
Road (no longer in existence) at Alanton on Linkhorn Bay near in the vicinity
of Old Comfort. Henry Woodhouse III
(1607 - 1655)
(6)* 1645 - The
Adam Thoroughgood House No II at 1636 Parish Road - Adam Thoroughgood
(7) 1649 - The Weblin House at 5588 Moore’s Pond Road
- John Weblin Jr.
(8) 1650 - Rolleston (no longer in existence) at 443
Kempsville Rd, Norfolk, VA. - William
Moseley I (1601-1655)
(9) 1673 – Lawson Hall (no longer in existence) at 5525
Lawson Hall Rd Virginia Beach, VA - Anthony Lawson (1650-1701).
(10) 1698 - 1865 - Fairfields
Manor (no longer in existence) to the north of 643 E Fox Grove Ct,
Virginia Beach, VA 23464 (just north of Fairfield Shopping Center) - Colonel
Thomas Walke I (1642-1694)
(11) 1699 - The Hermitage at 4200 Hermitage Road - John Thoroughgood
(12)* 1725 - The Lynnhaven House at 4405 Wishart Road
- Francis Thelaball.
(13)* 1732 - The Francis Land House at 3131 Virginia Beach
Boulevard - Francis Land II (1604 - 1657) - Francis Moseley Land VI
(14) 1734 - The Carraway House at 317 South Witchduck Road
- James Carraway
(15) 1730’s - Green Hill Plantation at 1721 Lovetts Pond
Lane - John Lovett.
(16) 1752 - John
Biddle House on Kings Grant Road built -
John Biddle
(17)* 1759 - The Upper Wolfsnare at 2040 Potters Road -
Thomas Walke III (1720 – 1761)
(18) 1694 - Pembroke
Manor House on
Constitution Drive (just off Independence Blvd) - Rev. Jonathan Saunders
(19) 1764 - Poplar Hall on Broad Creek at the intersection
of Poplar Hall Drive and Stuart Circle, Norfolk - Captain Thurmer Hoggard (1728
- 1779)
(20) 1782 - Walke Manor House (The 1st Ferry Plantation
House ) at 4136 Cheswick Lane - William Walke (1762-1795)
(21) 1769 - Pleasant Hall at 5184 Princess Anne Rd - George
Note: Peter Singleton I grew up here and left the house to
his son Isaac Singleton and wife Suzanna (Sukey) Thoroughgood Singleton,
parents of Peter Singleton II.
(22) 1791 - The Thomas Murray House at 3425 S. Crestline
Dr. - Isaac Murray for his son Thomas.
(23) 1810 - The Thomas Woodhouse House at 3067 W. Neck Rd.
- John Frizzell
(24) 1827 – Bayville Farm Manor House (no longer in
existence) at 4137 1st Court Road on the Bayville Golf Club grounds - Peter
Singleton II (a Thoroughgood descendant).
(21) 1830 - 2nd Ferry Plantation House at 4136 Cheswick Lane - George McIntosh and
Elizabeth Walke.
(25) 1897 - Charles M. Barnett House at 521 Fairfax Avenue
in Norfolk - Slade Charles M. Barnett (1869 - 1924)
(26) 1830 – Oak Hill near 1040 Caton Dr, Virginia Beach,
VA, 23454 and Oak Hill Ct. facing Linkhorn Bay- the Woodhouse family
(27) 1832 - Old
Comfort at 1437 N Woodhouse Road - Henry
Robert Woodhouse (1811 - 1890)
(28) 1855 - White Acre (no longer in existence) at 2478 White Acres Ct. (1.9 miles NE). Judge White
(29) 1920 - The Parks Home off Kings Way Lane at 4300
Calverton Lane (at the end of the lane) on Witchduck Bay - Rufus I and Diana
Parks.Genealogy of Notable Church Members (and Others)
An asterisk (*) denotes that he/she was buried in our historical
cemetery or the gravestone was moved from another location. See
Genealogy. (11) Diana Talbot Walke
Parks (Dec 20, 1887 – Dec 9, 1975) was the 11th generation descendant
of Sarah Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley (1609 – 1657) and also the 11th
generation descendant of Pocahontas (1595 – 1617) . That makes her daughter (12) Ann
Nivison Bradford Parks (1917 – 2002) the 12th generation descendant of those two
famous women. Diana was the daughter of (10)
Richard Walke (1840 - 1901) who was the son of (9) Richard Walke (1812-1871)
who was the son of (8) William Walke (1786-1882) who was the son of (7) William
Walke (1762-1795) who was the son of (6) Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 - 1779)
and his second wife Mary Moseley (1741 - 1795), as was his half brother Rev.
Anthony Walke, III (1755 – 1814) who was the only child of Colonel Anthony
Walke II (1726 – 1779) and his first wife Jane Bolling Randolph (1729 – 1756). Jane was the daughter of (2) Lt. Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe (1615 - 1675) and Jane Poythress Rolfe. Thomas was the only son of (1) John Rolfe (1585–1622) and Matoaka Amonute "Rebecca" Powhatan, aka Pocahontas (1595 – 1617)
(7) William Walke (1762-1795) who was the son of (6) Colonel Anthony Walke
II (1726 - 1779) and his second wife (6) Mary Moseley (1741 - 1795). Mary was the daughter of (5) Edward Hack
Moseley (1717 - 1782) who was the son of (4) Hillary Moseley (1691 - 1730) who
was the son of (3) Edward Moseley (1661-1736) who was the son of (2) William
Moseley II (1635 – 1700) and (2) Mary Gookin (1642 - ?). Mary was the daughter
of (1) John Gookin and (1) Sarah Offley Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley (1609 –
1657), Sarah’s fifth child (the only one she had after the death of her first
(5) Rev. Anthony Walke, III (1755 – 1814) who was the only
child of (6) Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 – 1779) and his first wife Jane Bolling
Randolph (1729 – 1756). (5) Jane was the daughter of (4) John Bolling
(1676 – 1729) and Mary Kennon (1679–1727) . John was the son of Jane
Rolfe (October 10, 1650 - Jan 26, 1676 – died in childbirth with son
John) and (3) Robert Bolling (1646 – 1709) . Jane was the daughter of (2) Lt. Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe
(1615 - 1675) and Jane Poythress Rolfe. Thomas was the only son of
(1) John Rolfe (1585–1622) and Matoaka
Amonute "Rebecca" Powhatan, aka Pocahontas (1595 – 1617) Genealogy. There are twelve Walke grave stones in our historical cemetery, ten are in the historical section and two are in the In-ground Columbarium – see Nine were moved here from Fairfields in Kempsville and the Ferry Farm.
The genealogy of the Walkes.
1st – Colonel Thomas Walke I (1642 – 1694) was an
immigrant from British-ruled Barbados. He married Mary Lawson in 1690. They had
three children, Thomas II (Jr) (1691-1723) married Mary Lawson, *Anthony I
(1692- 1768), and Mary.
Note: The
Walkes have a direct link back to Adam Thorowgood’s sister.
The number in
brackets [ ] identifies person on web Thorowgood Family
[1] 1st
William Thorowgood (1554 -May 16, 1635) and
Anne Edwards
[3] 2nd
Ann Thorowgood (1618 – 1688) (sister of Adam Thorowgood) and Thomas
[8] 3rd
Ann Keeling (? – 1672) and Anthony
Lawson(Lt. Col.)
[36] 4th
Mary Lawson (?- ?) and Colonel Thomas Walke I (1642 – 1694) 2nd - Thomas II (Jr) (1691-1723) was the 1st son of Colonel Thomas Walke I
3rd – Thomas Walke III (1720 – 1761) was the first son
of Thomas Walke II (Jr)
4th – Thomas Walke IV (1760 – 1797) was the only child
of Thomas Walke III and his second wife, Mary Ann Thorowgood.
2nd – *Col Anthony Walke I (1692 – 1768) was the
second son of Thomas Walke I
3rd - Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 – 1779) was the
second child of Col Anthony Walke I and his 4th wife Ann Lee.
4th – *William Walke (1762 – 1795) was the 4th child
of Colonel Anthony Walke II and his 2nd wife Mary Moseley (1741 – 1795).
5th - Elizabeth Mason Walke (1784-1855) was the 2nd
child of William Walke (1762 – 1795).
She married George F. McIntosh (1768-1863) in 1800 when she was only 16.
5th - William Walke (1787-1882) was the 4th child of
William Walke (1762-1795)
6th Richard Walke (1812-1872) was the 2nd son of
William Walke (1787-1882)
6th - Rev Lewis
Walke (1819 – unknown) was the 3rd son of William Walke (1787 - 1882). He was
the last Old Donation preacher prior to the church being abandoned for services
in 1856.
7th Richard Walke (1840 - 1901) was the 2nd son of
Richard Walke (1812-1871)
8th Diana Talbot Walke Parks (Dec 20, 1887 – Dec 9,
1975) (11th generation descendant of Sarah Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley (1609 –
1657)) married Rufus Parks II - 1880 - 1956). She was the daughter of Richard Walke (1840 -
4th - *Rev. Anthony Walke, III (1755 – 1814) was the
only child of Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 – 1779) and his first wife Jane
Randolph (1729 – 1756). Rev. Walke was the
famous Lynnhaven Parish Church preacher who divided his time between preaching
and the hunt. He is a direct descendant of Pocahontas who was his great-great-great-great grandmother.
John Rolfe (1585–1622) married Pocahontas (1595 – 1617)
Their son was Thomas Rolfe (1615 - ?) who married Jane
Their daughter was Jane Rolfe (October 10, 1650 - Jan 26, 1676 – died in childbirth with son
John) who married Robert Bolling (1646 –
Their son John Bolling
(1676 – 1729) married Mary Kennon (1679–1727)
Their daughter was
Jane Bolling (1708 - 1766) who
married Col. Richard Randolph (1686 – 1748)
Their Daughter was Jane Bolling Randolph (1729 - 1756) who married Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 - 1779)
Their son was Rev. Anthony Walke, III (1755 - 1814) who
married Anne McClenahan (1778 - 1820)5th – *David Meade Walke (1800 – 1854) was the 6th child of Rev. Anthony Walke, III and his wife Anne McCalley McClennahan.
5th – *Pvt. Anthony Walke, IV (1778 – 1820) was the
5th child of Rev. Anthony Walke, III and
his 1st wife Anne McCalley McClennahan
Children of Pvt. Anthony Walke, IV (1778 – 1820) and
his 2nd wife Ann Livingston
6th – *Sarah Livingston Walke (1819 – 1819)
6th – *Anne T. Walke – (1814 -1817)
6th - *Anne
Tabitha Walke (1817 – 1837)
6th – *Anthony Walke, V (1812 – 1833)
Moseley Genealogy
William I (1601-1655) and wife Suzanna emigrated to Princess Anne Co from Rotterdam, Holland.
2nd William Moseley II (1635-1700) married Mary
Gookin (1635 -?). He was the son of William
Moseley (1635-1700)
3rd Edward
Moseley SR (1661-1736) was the son of William
Moseley II (1635-1700)
4th Hillary Moesley (1691-1730) was the son
of Edward Moseley (1661-1736)
5th Edward Hack Moseley SR (1717-1782) was the
son of Hillary Moesley (1691-1730)
6th Col. Edward Hack Moseley JR (1743-
1814) was the son of Edward Hack Moseley (1717-1782)
- Edward Jr, a Revolutionary War Patriot, is buried at Old Donation
- Edward Jr, a Revolutionary War Patriot, is buried at Old Donation
3rd John Moseley (1670-1739) was the son of
William Moseley II (1635-1700)
4th Anthony Moseley (1689-?) was the son of
John Moseley (1670-1739)
5th Francis Moseley (? - ?) was the son of Anthony Moseley (1689-?)
6th William (married Betty Thorougood (1747
– 1808)) was the son of Francis Moseley. Betty's stone was moved to the Old Donation Cemetery.
Thoroughgood (Thorowgood) Genealogy
1st -
Sarah Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley (1609 – 1657) was the daughter of Robert
Offley Jr. and Anne Osborne of London, England. She married Captain Adam
Thoroughgood (1604-1640) on July 18, 1627, her 2nd husband Captain
John Gookin in 1643 and her 3rd husband Francis Yeardley in 1653.
2nd - Mary Gookin (1642 - ?) was the daughter of Sarah
and John Gookin, Sarah’s fifth child (Ann (1630-1703), Sarah (1631-1658), Elizabeth
(1633-1670) and Adam II (1638 - 1685). Mary was the only child Sarah had after
the death of her first husband Adam.
3rd - Edward Moseley (1661-1736) who was
the son of William Moseley II (1635 – 1700) and Mary Gookin (1642 - ?).
4th - Hillary Moseley (1691 - 1730) was the
son of Edward Moseley (1661-1736).
5th - Edward Hack Moseley (1717 - 1782) was
the son of Hillary Moseley (1691 - 1730).
6th - Mary Moseley (1741 - 1795) was the
daughter of Edward Hack Moseley (1717 - 1782)
7th – *William Walke (1762-1795) was the
son of Mary Moseley (1741 - 1795) and Colonel Anthony Walke II (1726 - 1779). Mary’s other son was the famous Reverend
Anthony Walke (1755 - 1814).
8th - William Walke (1786-1882) was the son
of William Walke (1762-1795)
9th - Richard Walke (1812-1871) who was the
son of William Walke (1786-1882)
10th - Richard Walke (1840 - 1901) was the
son of Richard Walke (1812-1871)
11th - *Diana Talbot Walke Parks (Dec 20,
1887 – Dec 9, 1975) was the daughter of Richard Walke (1840 - 1901)
12th – *Ann Nivison Bradford Parks (1917 -
2002) was the daughter of *Diana Talbot Walke Parks and *Rufus Parks II (1880 -
1956). Besides Ann, their other children
were daughter *Diana Talbot Parks Hill (1920 – 2000) and two sons, *Littleton
Walke Parks (1915 - 2007) and N. Gorham Parks of Pittsford, N.Y. (living). Littleton’s
son Rufus lives today in Virginia Beach.
- Notes:
1. Ann Parks (1917 - 2002) dedicated herself to
service at Old Donation for over 70 years. In the 1930’s, in addition to her
long hours at fund raisers, she was active in rehabilitating the neglected
historical Old Donation Cemetery by establishing a burial plot book and moving
several historic tomb stones to the church cemetery that had been left
neglected in other locations. She was among the first women to serve on the
2. Diana Talbot Walke Parks (1887 – 1975) initiated
the many outreach programs for the community by starting the church Christmas
pageant in 1926 and the annual Oyster Roast and Bazaar in 1934.
3. The Parks
Memorial Fine Arts Series was started by Paul G. Hudgins (Organist/
Choirmaster) in 2001 and christened in 2003 to honor of the highly esteemed
Parks family who faithfully served the church throughout the 20th century.
Correction! Col Adam Thoroughgood (1750s -1780s) is the wrong founder. Here is the correction.
Lemuel Thorowgood (c. 1750 - 1785), was a military officer in George Washington's army during the Siege of Yorktown, Sep-Oct 1781. Adam Thoroughgood (c. 1718- 1768) a 5th generation descendant of the first Adam Thoroughgood (William5, Argall4, Adam3, Adam2) has been confused with his son Lemuel Thorowgood. The article by Kathleen Bruce “Down on the Lynnhaven” in the Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch 28 April 1924 (see below article), said that the house of Colonel Adam Thorowgood was commandeered as a British headquarters. His wife Sarah Calvert Thorowgood bravely stood up to the British soldiers when they offered her husband a pardon if he stopped fighting and came home. In the tradition of Thoroughgood wives, she replied with rebellious indignation, "I would rather see him dead!" However, it was Lemuel Thorowgood who married Sarah Calvert and was at the Battle of Yorktown as an officer in George Washington’s army. He became a Captain, then a Major, and finally a Lt. Colonel by the end of the war. As a result of a war-time wound Lemuel died in 1785.
Ref. Cummings, Janet, The Identity Crisis of the “Adam Thoroughgood” House, Thorowgood World, Exploring 17th Century Roots & Legacies, 2 April, 2018:
One of the 13 founders and patriots on the plaque, Col Adam Thorowgood (April 16, 1736 – c.1790) was in question, but was found in an article by Mrs. Philip Alexander Bruce titled "Down on the Lynnhaven," page 6 of the 28 April 1924 Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch as maintained on microfilm in the Sergeant’s Memorial Collection at the Slover Norfolk Library. The paragraph in question reads,
“Colonel Adam Thoroughgood, a descendant of
the first Captain Adam and Sarah Offley, was an officer in Washington’s army
and was wounded in the siege of Yorktown shortly before the surrender of
Cornwallis. He married Sara Culvert, daughter of Thomas Culvert, uncle of Mrs.
William Walke of ‘The Ferry.’ The
Revolution had then commenced and the British were overrunning the Lynnhaven
part of the state. He husband being actively engaged in the cause of Liberty,
Mrs. Thoroughgood was left to provide as she could for her own safety, and she
chose to stand in her own home. Her residence being near the site of the old
Pleasure House at the Bay side on Lynnhaven, as might be expected, she was not
overlooked by the vigilant enemy, who made her house their headquarters, much
to her annoyance. She was a sturdy Wig and resolute in her adherence to her
country’s cause. Being importuned by the British officer in command to write to
her husband to take a parole of honor ‘not to molest the British troops on
condition that he might go at large unmolested by them.’ Her reply was worthy
of the heroines of the Revolution. ‘I would rather see him dead.’”
3rd Francis Thorowgood (1665 - 1716) & Anne Brittingham
Thorowgood (Adam3,
4th Francis Thorowgood (Jr.) (c.1664 – 1740) &
Amy Lovett. They had the following child:
5th Col Adam Thorogood (April 16, 1736 – c.1790) (Yorktown battle
patriot).Col. John Thorowgood
Col. John Thorowgood Jr. state historical
marker was dedicated Fri, Jul 07, 10:00 AM at the Lake Lawson / Lake Smith
Natural Area at 5381 Shell Road. There were Revolutionary War re-enactors, as
well as several featured speakers. The marker was issued by the Virginia
Department of Historic Resources with costs covered by the Virginia Beach
Historic Preservation Commission.
“New state historical marker to be dedicated
in Virginia Beach,” July 4, 2017, by Becca Mitchell
“Fifth Virginia Convention,” Wikipedia
John Thorowgood Jr., Revolutionary-era leader, lived on an
840-acre plantation near here, on Little Creek. He was elected to the
Convention of 1776, which adapted Virginia’s resolutions for independence, the
Virginia Declaration of Rights, and state’s first constitution. Thorowgood
represented Princess Anne County in the inaugural session of the Virginia House
of Delegates in 1776 and served for six additional terms. During the
Revolutionary Was he commanded the county militia and by 1781 was a prisoner of
war. In his will, written in 1786, he directed that his enslaved African Americans
be freed after the death of his siblings, to whom they were bequeathed.
Note: After the
east/west segment of the Lynnhaven River was cut off in 1667 by a powerful storm it became known
as "Little Creek" (today’s
Lake Joyce, Lake Bradford, Chub Lake and Desert Cove)
Ref: The Thorowgood
He married twice. He
married Patience Wainhouse before May 4, 1766. (Note: Some speculate that this
might be the daughter of Francis Wainhouse & Bridget Johnson of Northampton
Co., VA; however, their daughter, Patience Wainhouse, was the wife of Daniel
Maxwell in 1765.)
He made a will in Princess Anne
Co., VA, December 30, 1800. (Creecy Chart)
John Thorowgood(Jr.) and Patience
Wainhouse had the following children:
He made a will 1864. The Creecy
chart shows he died without issue.
Elizabeth (Betty) Thorowgood. Her grave is the oldest grave maker still standing in the Old Donation Historic Graveyard with remains, but not the oldest on record buried with remains (James Sherwood's (1660 - 1701) recorded burial in the church cemetery is the oldest recorded but has gravestone has since disappeared). Betty died in 1808. Betty's birth date was thought to be 1712 (actually her father’s birth date) and her father was thought to be Lemuel Thorowgood (actually her brother). Confusion has been over the reading of her gravestone which has faded and been misquoted. The Find-a-Grave website @
states -
In Memory of BETTY
daughter of Lemuel Thourougood Born 1712
and married Wm. Moseley in 1768
and died in 1808
Her daughter Mary Moseley
married Francis Moore of Moore's Bridges
and their daughter Betty Thorougood
married James Curiel in 1818
…but Anne Parks recorded the following in our Church Grave Book in the 1940’s -
…but Anne Parks recorded the following in our Church Grave Book in the 1940’s -
In Memory of Betty
Daughter of Lemuel Thorowgood
Born 1747
and married Wm. Moseley in 1768
Subsequently Henry Haynes
and died in 1808
Her Daughter Mary Moseley
Married Francis Moore
of Moore's Bridges
Their daughter Betty Thorowgood
married James Cornick
in 1818
(grave moved from the James Farm)
Anne’s recording and two websites gives us the correct information for Betty. Betty is the 6th generation descendant of our famous Adam Thoroughgood
(Adam6, William5, Argall4, Adam3, Adam2, William1) per (subtract “1” from the numbering sequence) i.e., Adam5 (1712 -1750), William4 (?-1724), Argall3 (1659 - 1704), Adam II (1638 – 1685), Adam1 (1604-1640). Betty married twice. She married William Moseley in 1768 (6th generation descendant of William I Moseley (1601-1655). William died in 1772. She then married Henry Haynes January 12, 1776. Henry died in 1786.
Anne’s recording and two websites gives us the correct information for Betty. Betty is the 6th generation descendant of our famous Adam Thoroughgood
(Adam6, William5, Argall4, Adam3, Adam2, William1) per (subtract “1” from the numbering sequence) i.e., Adam5 (1712 -1750), William4 (?-1724), Argall3 (1659 - 1704), Adam II (1638 – 1685), Adam1 (1604-1640). Betty married twice. She married William Moseley in 1768 (6th generation descendant of William I Moseley (1601-1655). William died in 1772. She then married Henry Haynes January 12, 1776. Henry died in 1786.
See 525. Betty Elizabeth7 Thorowgood and 524 i. Lemuel7 Thorowgood @
Adam Thorowgood and Mary Thelaball had the following children:


-1st husband - Elizabeth Thorowgood and Henry Haynes had the following child:
-2nd husband - Elizabeth Thorowgood and William Moseley had the following child:

child 1179 i. Betty Thorowgood9 Bridges (no data on her marriage to James Curiel).
Elizabeth (Betty) Thorowgood’s correct birth date is 1747. She died in 1808 per the website Mary Gookin’s Descendants @
4 William MOSELEY b: ABT FEB 1725 d: 13 AUG 1773
+ Margaret ELLEGOOD? LAND b: ABT 1730 d: 1757
5 Margaret MOSELEY b: ABT 1757
+ Robert KEELING b: ABT 1755 d: BEF 11 FEB 1790
+ Betty Elizabeth THOROWGOOD b: 1747 d: 1808
5 Mary MOSELEY b: ABT DEC 1771 d: BEF 4 APR 1815
+ Francis MOORE b: ABT 1753 d: BEF 1817
6 Betty Thorowgood MOORE b: ABT 1799
+ James CORNICK b: ABT 1790
6 James MOORE b: ABT 1801
+ Margaret ELLEGOOD b: ABT 1735 d: 1757
Keeling Genealogy
-Lieutenant Thomas Keeling (1608 - 1664) was one of
105 persons that Adam Thoroughgood persuaded to come from England to settle in
the colony of Virginia. Thomas, at the age of 20, arrived in the ship Hopewell
in 1628. He served as vestryman in Lynnhaven Parish in 1640. He married Ann
(1618 - 1682) in 1634 who may have been a niece to Adam Thoroughgood.
- Adam Keeling
(1638 - 1683) was the son of Thomas Keeling and Ann Thoroughgood.
- Henry Keeling, a direct descendant of Thomas Keeling
(1608-1664), in 1999 originated the Old Donation Endowment Fund Trust with a
one million dollar plus post mortem bequest from his estate.
Woodhouse Genealogy
- Henry Woodhouse III (1607 - 1655) came to Virginia in 1630 and built his home on Linkhorn Bay in 1638 after being given a grant of 500 acres by the King of England. He was on hand when Adam Thoroughgood (1604-1640) held the first Lynnhaven Parish services in home on Sunday May 17, 1637. On August 3, 1640, he was on the first Lynnhaven Parish vestry. He was Justice from l642 to 1643 and member of the House of Burgess between 1647 and 1652. Henry was a direct descendant of David I, King of Scotland. His father, Capt Henry Woodhouse was governor of Bermuda from 1623 to 1626. Henry's wife, Anne Bacon was a direct descendant of Edward I, King of England, and her father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, the keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth. Henry’s estate was willed from father to son for 269 years until 1906.
- Henry Woodhouse III (1607 - 1655) came to Virginia in 1630 and built his home on Linkhorn Bay in 1638 after being given a grant of 500 acres by the King of England. He was on hand when Adam Thoroughgood (1604-1640) held the first Lynnhaven Parish services in home on Sunday May 17, 1637. On August 3, 1640, he was on the first Lynnhaven Parish vestry. He was Justice from l642 to 1643 and member of the House of Burgess between 1647 and 1652. Henry was a direct descendant of David I, King of Scotland. His father, Capt Henry Woodhouse was governor of Bermuda from 1623 to 1626. Henry's wife, Anne Bacon was a direct descendant of Edward I, King of England, and her father was Sir Nicholas Bacon, the keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth. Henry’s estate was willed from father to son for 269 years until 1906.
- July 10, 1706 Captain Woodhouse was on the jury that
heard the case against Grace Sherwood, accused of being a witch.
- Henry Robert Woodhouse (1811-1890), the 8th
generation from Henry Woodhouse III built the only Woodhouse house standing
today in 1832. Called “Old Comfort”
at 1437 N Woodhouse Road, it is listed on Virginia Beach’s Historic Register. His
wife Mary died in 1924.
- John S. Woodhouse was one of those vestrymen who
signed Old Donation’s Church minutes in 1856 for the last time until the church
was restored in 1916 after being gutted by a fire in 1882 and abandoned for 60
- Old Donation Vestryman George H.H. Woodhouse (1840 -
1915) was a soldier in the Confederate Army and his memorial plaque is on the
wall of the church.
- Josiah Woodhouse (1863 - 1929) worked to restore the
church from 1910 to 1916. Josiah, along
with his wife and infant daughter, are the only Woodhouses buried in the Old
Donation historical cemetery.
Warner Genealogy
Augustine Warner (1610 - 1674). Adam Thoroughgood persuaded
Augustus to come from England to settle in the colony as an indentured servant.
After he had worked off his indenture in 1635 he followed Adam’s example by
bringing twelve new settlers to Virginia and for that was given headrights to
600 acres in the Northern Neck’s Gloucester County, an area still sparsely
populated. Three people trace their
lineage back to Augustus Warner. His daughter married Lawrence Townley,
ancestors of General Robert E. Lee (1610 - 1674). His son, Augustine Warner,
Jr.(1642-1681) had three daughters. One of them, Mildred Warner (1671 – 1701)
married Lawrence Washington (1659–1698) in 1690, grandparents of George
Washington (1732 - 1799); and another, Elizabeth Warner (1672-1720) married Colonel
John Lewis in 1691, great-grand parents of Meriwether Lewis (1774 – 1809),
leader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific Northwest.
George Washington’s genealogy back to his great-great
grandfather can be traced on the web site Geni -
George Washington, 1st Pres. of the USA (1732 - 1799)
George was the son of Augustine Washington, Sr. (1694 - 1743) and Mary Ball (1708 – 1789)
Augustine was the son of Capt Lawrence Washington (1659 – 1699) and Mildred Warner (1670 – 1701)
Mildred was the daughter of Augustine Warner, II (1642 – 1681)
and Mildred Reade (1643 – 1686)
Augustine II was the son of Augustine Warner, Sr. (1610 – 1674)
and Mary Towneley (1614 – 1662)
Other Surnames
Preserved in the Roads of Virginia Beach
Various roads were named after church members and
their deeds, i.e., roads - Adam Keeling, Thoroughgood, Hoggard, Wishhart,
Woodhouse, Burroughs, Windham, and Sewell’s Point; streets – Walke, Todd, and
Warner; lanes - Kemp and Francis Land; mews – Hosskine, Lanckfield and Caussome
(spelled differently); White Acres Court; Alfriends Trail; Yardley Landing;
Hayes Avenue; Bullock Trail; Willoughby Spit; and Donation Drive and Old
Donation Parkway (in honor of Reverend Robert Dickson’s 1776 land donation to
the church).
Earliest Burials and Gravestones
at the Old Donation Historic
historic cemetery is sacred ground for not just the 77 buried since 1808 with
grave markers (see but
hundreds more interred in the 17th and 18th centuries
when graves were marked with a cross and have since disappeared. Our
first graveyard is 40 yards off the shoreline in the West Lynnhaven River at Church
Point and includes the graves of Adam Thoroughgood (1604-1640), his wife Sarah
Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley (1609 – 1657), their four children - Ann
(1630-1703), Sarah (1631-1658), Elizabeth (1633-1670), and Adam II (1638 -
1685); Sarah Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley's second husband Captain John Gookin
(1615 – 1643) and their daughter Mary (1642 - 1702); and Sarah
Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley’s 3rd husband Francis Yeardley
(1620-1655). Besides our church graveyard, plantation owners had people buried on
their estates and slaves were generally buried along Witchduck Road. Our
graveyard therefore holds many unknown church members, all but a couple.
is what we do know about a few buried before the 19th century in our
graveyard. In notes made in the 1940’s by Alice Granby Walter, found in the
Sergeant’s Room at Norfolk’s Slover Public Library, she wrote, “There is
evidence that there was a more ancient graveyard. Mr. Julian H. Granbery,
in 1906, found some of his Nimmo ancestors buried there and had a small fence
put around the site at the time. These graves have disappeared, probably due to
Nimmo family dates back to James Nimmo (1690’s – 1753), a lawyer, from
Strathaven, England. He was one of 637 Scottish rebels captured at Preston,
Lancashire, on 14 Nov 1715. The rebels were supporters of the exiled James II
of England and his heirs. After spending one year in a Liverpool prison he was
banished to America as an indentured servant in 1716. After his indenture he
became the King's Attorney for Princess Anne County and a Lynnhaven Parish
vestryman as did his son. Alice Granby’s notes state that James Nimmo's great
grandson James Nimmo (1755 – 1833), also a member of the bar, married Elizabeth
Thoroughgood (1749 - 1808), 6th generation descendant of Adam
Thorowgood (Argall Thorowgood5, William Thorowgood4, Argall Thorowgood3, Adam
Thorowgood2, Adam Thorowgood1). James refused to join with Lord Dunmore’s
Standard and was subsequently jailed in Dec 1775 along with his party during
the battle of Great Bridge.
James Sherwood
(1660 - 1701). His grave marker in the church cemetery is the oldest recorded but has since disappeared. He was the husband of Grace White Sherwood (1660 - 1740), the Witch of Pungo. His obituary was published in the Virginian Pilot June 1, 1941 by Rogers Dey Whichard. The Pilot article stated that James was laid to rest in the “historical Old Donation Cemetery” with this obituary, “In memorie of James Sherwoode whose soule has gone to God. His bodie wayting judgement day reste heere benethe this sod the 15h August, 1701. He mett his earthlie ende aged 42 and trewlie mourned as husband and father frende.” James married 20 year old Grace White (1660 - 1740) in the spring of 1680 at the first Lynnhaven Parish Church at today’s 1625 Spring House Trail, Virginia (Church Point) [this marriage site can not be documented]. Grace is best known today as the Witch of Pungo. Grace’s father John White gave a patent of 50 acres of land as a wedding gift to his son-in-law. A year later John White died, leaving the rest of his land (145 acres) to James and Grace. The Sherwoods had three sons - John, James, and Richard; and one daughter, Elizabeth (1675 – 1725), the oldest. Elizabeth married George Symes and had 10 children. When Grace was ducked and possibly jailed on July 10, 1706, Elizabeth left the area and was not heard from. Local historians do not list her as James and Grace’s daughter.
Rather than James Sherwood's body being moved to his farm in Pungo, in the traditional manner, why was James buried at church? As a strong and healthy 41 year old man, was he murdered? There was good reason. In March 1697 Richard Capps accused James Sherwood’s wife of casting a spell on his bull, causing it to die. James brought suit against the Capps and later others for accusing his wife of witchery, but lost or settled out of court. After his death in 1701, because of the bad blood over the petty lawsuits her husband had filed, his widow Grace continued to be harassed, especially by Luke and Elizabeth Hill. Did Grace know who murdered her husband? What better way to cover any allegations she might have made by continuing to accuse her of witchcraft.
(1660 - 1701). His grave marker in the church cemetery is the oldest recorded but has since disappeared. He was the husband of Grace White Sherwood (1660 - 1740), the Witch of Pungo. His obituary was published in the Virginian Pilot June 1, 1941 by Rogers Dey Whichard. The Pilot article stated that James was laid to rest in the “historical Old Donation Cemetery” with this obituary, “In memorie of James Sherwoode whose soule has gone to God. His bodie wayting judgement day reste heere benethe this sod the 15h August, 1701. He mett his earthlie ende aged 42 and trewlie mourned as husband and father frende.” James married 20 year old Grace White (1660 - 1740) in the spring of 1680 at the first Lynnhaven Parish Church at today’s 1625 Spring House Trail, Virginia (Church Point) [this marriage site can not be documented]. Grace is best known today as the Witch of Pungo. Grace’s father John White gave a patent of 50 acres of land as a wedding gift to his son-in-law. A year later John White died, leaving the rest of his land (145 acres) to James and Grace. The Sherwoods had three sons - John, James, and Richard; and one daughter, Elizabeth (1675 – 1725), the oldest. Elizabeth married George Symes and had 10 children. When Grace was ducked and possibly jailed on July 10, 1706, Elizabeth left the area and was not heard from. Local historians do not list her as James and Grace’s daughter.
Rather than James Sherwood's body being moved to his farm in Pungo, in the traditional manner, why was James buried at church? As a strong and healthy 41 year old man, was he murdered? There was good reason. In March 1697 Richard Capps accused James Sherwood’s wife of casting a spell on his bull, causing it to die. James brought suit against the Capps and later others for accusing his wife of witchery, but lost or settled out of court. After his death in 1701, because of the bad blood over the petty lawsuits her husband had filed, his widow Grace continued to be harassed, especially by Luke and Elizabeth Hill. Did Grace know who murdered her husband? What better way to cover any allegations she might have made by continuing to accuse her of witchcraft.
Ann Talbot Parks, Old Donation Cemetery Revivalist. Sometime
in the 1930’s Ann Talbot Parks (1917 – 2002) who is the 12th
generation descendant of our famous Sarah Thoroughgood-Gookin-Yeardley
(1609 – 1657), 9th generation descendant of Colonel Thomas Walke I
(1642 - 1694) and 13th generation descendant of William I Moseley
(1601-1655); led the Princess Anne Garden Club in moving nine Walke gravestones
to our cemetery from Fairfield in Kempsville and Ferry Farm (without remains
except for the large vault of Colonel Anthony Walke I (1692 - 1768) which
probably has his remains). Stones moved from Pembroke Farm include Capt.
Jonathan Saunders (1726 – 1765), Capt. Henry Kellam (? – 1790) and Kellam’s
wife and daughter. A picture of the Kellam graves are shown @ For the
others visit
Talbot Parks is buried in the In-ground Columbarium and her parents, Diana
Talbot Walke Parks (1887 - 1975) and Rufus Parks II - (1880 - 1956) are buried
in the historic section.