Library Books

Historic books and folders in and around Virginia Beach

Folder No. 1
Vet’s Graves
Cape Henry History
Flags – Vets
Time Capsule
Grace Sherwood

Folder No. 2
Hist. Traditions Comm.
Display Case
Bob’s Corner
Oyster Roast
Parish House
ODEC History
Day School / EYC / Young Historians
First Landing

Folder No. 3
Notable Women
Notable People
Ferry Plantation
Frances Land House
Upper Wolfsnare House
Lynnhaven House
Morning Star – Beechwood
Walke Manner House
Whitehurst-Buffington House
Adam Keeling House
Pembroke Manor
Thoroughgood House
Historic Homes
Field Trips
Church Tour

Folder No. 4
Slavery Articles 2
Slavery Articles 1
Plaques Memorials
Gifts / Donations

Folder No. 5
ODEC History Old
ODEC History Current
Area History
Ft Monroe Hist
Early History
Colonial Times
Church Inventory
Lost Colony
Miscellaneous 2
Miscellaneous 1
Men’s Breakfast

Folder No. 6
VA History
Local News 2015
Church News
Church Info
ODEC Programs
Church Bulletins
Altar Guild
Sermons Before 2000
Sermons 2000 to Pres
Pictures prior to 1990
Pictures after 1990
Directory 1994 & Prior
Directory 1996-2001
Directory 1912
Parks Fine Art Series
Church Organs
Parish after 1990
Parish before 1990
Church Anniversaries
Homes Outside VA Bch
Princess Ann Hist
Slavery & Aftermath

* 1a. Perrine, Robert, Our Rich History 2017.
26 books used are marked with an asterisk *
1. Andrews, Matthew Page, Virginia, the Old Dominion,
2. Barnes, Brook Miles, Seashore Chronicles, 3 Centuries of VA Barrier Islands
2a. Bond, Edward L., Damned Souls in a Tobacco Colony -Chapter five, The Religions of Anglicans, pages 239-285
3. Brooks, Judith Westcott, Granby High School, 2013
4. Callis, Ann Hanbury, The Cavalier + Self-Guided Tour
5. Carr, Lois Green, Colonial Chesapeake Society
6. Clancy, Paul, Hampton Roads Chronicles
7. Chewning, Alpheus J., Virginia Beach in Ventage Postcards
8. Chewning, Alpheus J. Haunted, Virginia Beach
9. Cook, John Esten, Virginia, A History of the People, 1903
10. Cross, Charles B., Chesapeake, a Pictorial History, 1985
*11. Eighmey, Kathleen M, The Beach, A History of Virginia Beach, VA Beach Public Library, 1996, ref 5 page 16, ref 11 page 45, ref 18 pg. 15, ref 28 pg. 46, ref 37 pg. 126, ref 92 pg. 48
12. Gilbert, Lillie, Wild River Guide to the North Landing River
13. Gilbert, Lillie, Wild River Guide to Coastal Waterways
14. Gilbert, Lillie, Wild River Guide to Dismal Swamp
15. Gilbert, Nash, Norred, Bayside History Trail, a View from the Water , 2003, ref 74
16. Goodall, Jamie L.H., Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay
*17. Goode, G. Brown, Virginia Cousins: A Study of the Ancestry and Posterity of John Goode of Whitby, 2008, ref 80 page 54
18. Hatfield, April Lee, Atlantic Virginia, Intercolonial Relations in the Seventeenth Century
19. Harper, Raymond L., A History of Chesapeake Virginia
20. Harris, Kenneth, Princess Anne Co., The War Between the States
21. Hartman, Sally Kirby, The Insiders' Guide to Virginia's Chesapeake Bay
22. Henley, Barbara Murden, Glimpses of Down-Country History
22a. Horn, James, Adapting to a New World, page 401
*23. Hudson, Carson O Jr, Witchcraft in Colonial Virginia, 90-98
24. Jordan, A Shepherd, Gone, But Not Forgotten, Virginia Beach
*25. Jordan, James M IV & Frederick S, Virginia Beach, A Pictorial History, 1975, ref 35 page 19, ref 77 page 27
26. Lohman, Toni, The Beach, VA Beach Public Library 2006 Third Edition
27. Maling, Anne E, Princess Anne County, VA, Land and Probate Records
28. Mason, George Carrington, The Colonial Vestry Book of Lynnhaven Parish, Princess Anne County VA, 1723 -1786
29. McCary, Ben, Indians in the Seventeenth Century, Virginia
*30. Mansfield, Stephen S., Princess Anne County and Virginia Beach, A Pictorial History, Norfolk, VA,” The Donning Company, 2006, ref 65 page 36, ref 79 page 56, ref page 182.
31. Meredith, Clarkson H., Some Old Norfolk Families and Others, 1976
31a. Moore, Scott O., The Witch of Pungo
*32. Nash, Belinda, A Place in Time (Grace Sherwood). Virginia Beach VA,” W.S Dawson Co, 2012, ref 2, ref 47 page 104, ref 48 pages 134-138, ref 49 page 151
*33. Parramore, Thomas C., The First Four Centuries. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of VA, 1994, ref 8 pages 29 & 30, ref 17 pages 35-40, ref 36 page 45, ref 51 page 69
*34. Quarstein, John V. Newport News, a Centennial History
35. Quinn, David Beers, Set Fair for Roanoke, Voyages and Colonies, 1584-1601
36. Rawls, Mac, 1607-2007, 400 Facts About Princess Anne County and Virginia Beach History, 2007
37. Roundtree, Helen C., Pocahontas, Three Indian Lives Changed by Jamestown
38. Spillman, Pam, The History of the Thoroughgood Neighborhood
*39. Tucker, Beverley, The Reverend, “My 31 Years at Old Donation Church. Virginia Beach, VA, 2012,” ref 100 page 29, ref 101 pages 31-36, ref 102 page 21
*40. Turner, Florence Kimberly, Gateway to the New World, History of Princess Anne Co VA, 1607 – 1824, 1985, ref 53 page 135, ref 67 page 175
*41. Vogt, Roberta Elizabeth, Short Remarks on the Political & Social Writings of Reverend Anthony Walke,, 2011, ref 55 page 84, ref 68 page 32, ref 70 page 58, ref 73
42. Walter, Alice Granbery Lower Norfolk County, Virginia Court Records
43-45. Whichard, Roger Dey, Ph.D., The History of Lower Tidewater Virginia, Volums I, II, & III, 1959
*46. Yarsinske, Amy Walter, Lost Virginia Beach
*47. Yarsinske, Amy Waters, A History of VA's Golden Shore, 2002, ref 12 page 37, ref 31 pages 44-46, ref 66 pg. 78, ref 71 pg. 94, ref 72 pg. 76, ref 75 pg. 86, ref 78 pg. 95, ref 81 pg. 96
48. Yarsinske, Amy Waters, Norfolk, VA - The Sunrise City by the Sea, A History of VA's Golden Shore, 1994, ref 38 pages 54-55, ref 43 page 52.
49. Yarsinske, Amy Waters, Virginia Beach Jewel Resort of the Atlantic
50. Yarsinske, Amy Waters, Ghent, 2006
Historic Homes
*51. Castlebury, Amy Hayes. Virginia Beach, Then and No, Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2010, ref 39 page 28
*52. Farrar, Emmie Ferguson and Hines, Old Houses Along the James, 1954, ref 7 page 189, ref 9 page 191
*53. Farrar, Emmie Ferguson and Hines, Old Virginia Houses Harbors, 1954, ref 34 pages 108-109
54. Farrar, Emmie Ferguson, Old VA Houses: Mobjack Bay County & Along the James, 1954
55. Forman, Henry Chandlee, The Architecture of the Old South, 1948
56. Kellam, Sadie Scott, Old Houses in Princess Anne Virginia
57. Lancaster, Robert Alexander, Historic Homes and Churches
58. Lane, Mills, Architecture of the Old South
59. Morrison, Hugh, Early American Architecture 1987
60. Rouse, Park, Jr Tidewater Virginia in Color
*61. Treanor, W. Paul, The Thoroughgood House, VA Beach, Gloucester, VA Institute of Human History, 2011, ref 6 page 1, ref 30 pages 82-90
62. Virginia Beach Historic Preservation Partnership, Most Historically Significant House and Structures in Virginia Beach
Old Churches
63. Arroyo, Nanette, Sacred Light, Stained Glass Windows, of Southeastern Virginia
*64. Clark, W.M., Colonial Churches: In the Original Colony of VA Richmond, VA, 1907, ref 60 page 275
65. Derpool, James Grote Van, Historic St. Luke's, 4miles south of Smithfield, Virginia
66. DeSamper, Hugh, Bruton Parish Church
67. Goodwin, Rev. W. A. R., Historical Sketch of Bruton Church
68. Hewett, William, 1496-1566/7 Lord Mayor of London
69. Howard, Cindy, Rector, Rector St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Andalusia, Alabama, 2012 (Father Bob's former church)
70. Kirkhan, Jean & Boyce, Debra, In Every Generation, a Celebrated History, Grace Episcopal Church, Yorktown, VA., 1697-1997
*71. Kyle, Louisa Venable Kyle, The History of Eastern Shore Chapel and Lynnhaven Parish, 1642 – 1969, ref 10 pg. 6, rf 15 pg. 7, rf 45 pg. 24, rf 54 pgs. 28-29, rf 56 pg. 27, rf 59 pg. 28, rf 76 pg. 29, rf 82 pgs. 31-rf 85 pg. 32, rf 91 pg. 29.
72. Lounsbury, Carl R., Bruton Parish Church, An Architectural History
73. Massey, Don W. & Sue, Colonial Churches of Virginia
*74 & 75. Meade, Bishop, Old Churches, Ministers & Families of VA, Vols I & II , 1910, ref 20 page 247, ref 44 page 247
*76. Nelson, John K., A Blessed Company Parishes / Parsons in Anglican VA, 1690–1776, 2001, ref 58 page 188, ref 63 pages 81-83
*77. Rawlings, James Scott, Virginia’s Colonial Churches, 1963, ref 23 page 137
78. Tormey, James, How Firm A Foundation, St. John's Episcopal Church
*79. Upton, Dell, Holy Things and Profane, Anglican Parish Churches in Colonial Virginia, 1986, ref 27 pages 147-148
80. Virginia Cavalcade Volume XXXII, Spring 1983, Number 4: ODEC - page 170
81. Walter, Alice Granberry, Vestry Book of Elizabeth River Parish, 1749 - 1761
82. Weis, The Reverend Frederick Lewis, The Colonial Clergy of Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina, 1955
Jamestown / Williamsburg
83. Bergsten Dan & Hassell, George, The Geddy Foundry, Colonial Williamsburg
83a. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation 2021, Colonial Williamsburg Christmas
84. Colonial Williamsburg, Official Guide to
85. Haile, Edward Wright, Jamestown Narrative, the First Decade: 1607 - 1617
86. Pederson, Charles, The Jamestown Colony
87. Taylor, L.B. Jr, The Ghosts of Williamsburg and Nearby Environs, Volume I
88. Taylor, L.B. Jr, The Ghosts of Williamsburg, Volume II
89. Smith, John, Writings with other Narratives of Roanoke, Jamestown, and the First English Settlement in America
90. Smith, John, The Journals of Captain John Smith
91. Smith, John, The General History of Virginia and Other Places 1624 Vol I
92. Smith, John, The General History of Virginia and Other Places 1624 Vol II
93. U.S. News & World Report Jan 29-Feburay 5, 2007, The Jamestown Story
94.Wallet, John J., Jr., A Window on Williamsburg
95. Weet, Tom, A Walk Through Colonial History in Jamestown, William and Mary Williamsburg
Early American Life at Lynnhaven Parish Church and Other Parts of Virginia
96. Folder, Historic Dress
97. Folder, The History of Old Donation Church Through the Eyes of Its Poets
98. Kyle, Louisa Venable, A Country Woman's Christmas &
99. (insert) Christmas at the Adam Thoroughgood House 1675
100. Kyle, Louisa Venable, A Country Woman's Scrapbook
Virginia History
101. Antonelli, Lisa M., Virginia, A Commonwealth Comes of Age, 1988
102. Abbot, William W., A Virginia Chronology 1585-1783
102a. Bowers, Claude G. The Tragic Era, the Revolution after Lincoln
103. Colbert, Judy, Virginia, Off the Beaten Path, 2002
104. Couch, Ernie & Jill, Virginia Trivia
104a. Cross, Charles B, Jr. The Chesapeake,1973
105. Dabney, Virginius, Virginia, The New Dominion, A History From 107 to the Present, 1971
105a. Davis, Burke, Gray Fox Robert E. Lee & the Civil War
106. Dixon, John W., Gwynn's Island, 1600 to Present, 2010
107. Edwards, Mike W, National Geographic, Nov 1974, The Virginians, pages 589-625
108. Egloff, Keith & Woodward, Deborah, First People, the Early Indians of Virginia
109. Ewing, Sharon B., Images of Virginia State Parks
110. Foss, William O., It Happened First in Virginia
111. Fischer, David Hackett, Albion's Seed, Four British Folkways in America
112. Farish, Hunter Dickins, Philip Vickers Fithian, A Plantation Tutor of the Old Dominion, 1773-1774
113. Friddell, Guy, What is it About Virginia?
114. Harriot, Thomas, A Brief & True Report of the New Found Land of VA, 2015
115. Lee, Marguerite Dupont, Virginia Ghost, 1966
116. Lewis, Sara E., Mathews County
117. Llewellyn, Robert, Virginia, An Aerial Portrait
118. Macoll, John D., Alexandria, A Towne in Transition, 1800-1900,- 1977 + Old Town Alexandria Calendar, 2012
118a. Morison, Samuel Eliot, The European Discovery of America, the Northern Voyages, A.D. 500-1600
119. Reader's Digest, America's Historic Places, 1981
119a. Roberts, Nanacy, Blackbeard and Other Pirates of the Atlantic Coast
119b. Roper, Jon, The Ollustrated Encyclopedia of the Presidents of America
120. Rouse, Parke, Jr., Virginia, A Pictorial History, 1975
121. Salmon, John S., A Guidebook to Virginia's Historical Markers, 2001
122. Shook, Carrie and Robert, Only in Virginia, the Unique History - Humor, and Heart of the Old Dominion, 1981
123. Smith, Jane Ockershausen, The Virginia One-Day Trip Book, 1986
123a. Taylor, Alan, American Colonies
124. Tennis, Joe, Along Virginia's Route 58, 2015
125. Theobald, Mary Milley, Death by Petticoat, American History Debunked
126. Venable, Nancy and Martinette, Sam, The Insider' Guide to South Hampton Roads
127. Virginia Conservation Commission, Carry Me Back to Old Virginia
128. Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development, Carry Me Back to Old Virginia
129. Virginia Division of Publicity and Advertising, Carry Me Back to Old Virginia
130. Virginia Historical Society, Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 2011
131. Walter, Alice Granbery, Virginia Land Patents, 1666 to 1679
Three-Ring Binder - Articles
132. Old Donation History, the 375th Anniversary Edition, June 2017, Robert. Perrine
133. Old Donation History,Variuos Articals, 2002,
134. Old Donation Church Welcomes You, History of Old Donation Church in Pictures and Articles, 1988
135. History of Old Donation Church in Pictures, 1985
*136. Mason, George C, Colonial Vestry Book of Lynnhaven Parish, Princess Anne Co 1723-1786,1949, ref 14 pg. xii, ref 16 pg. xii, ref 32 pg. xxv, ref 61 pg. vii, ref 62 pg. 23, ref 83 pg. v
137. White, Benjamin Dey, Gleanings in the History of Princess Anne County. VA Beach VA, 1924,
138. Lynnhaven Parish Early Relationships – Alice Granberry Walter, Boush/Thelaball, Moseley, Nimmo, Parks "
139. Lynnhaven Parish Early Relationships Taylor, Hoskin, Keeling, Woodhouse, Hoggard, Hudgins/Howren, Barnett, Alfriend, Barnett, Dickson, Land
140. Lynnhaven Parish Early Relationship - Thoroughgood
141. Lynnhaven Parish Early Relationship - Walke
*142. Drachnik, Cay, Old Donation Church, An Example of Early American Architecture, Jan 1969, ref 57 pages 14 and 34
143. A Self Guided Tour Inside and Outside the Church (a folder is also at the church entrance)
144. The 1916 Cornerstone and Time Capsule
145. 100 Year Time Capsule Removal & Replacement of the Cornerstone Containing the Time Capsule Oct 2016
146. 100 Year Time Capsule Pictures, Items removed after 100 years and ceremony for placing it back for another 100 Years Dec 2016
147. Obituaries - Old Donation Episcopal Church
148. Ghost Stories in the Old Donation Cemetery
149. Oyster Roast
150. Phase 4 - Tucker Hall Building Committee 1986-1990
151. Phase 5 - Great Hall Building Committee 2000 - 2020
152. Historic Traditions Commission
153. Men's Breakfast Programs
154. Lynnhaven Parish Parishioners as Viewed Through Their Historic Homes
155. Treanor, W. Paul, The Chesapiean - Adam Thoroughgood House
*156. Luccketti, Nicholas, Architectural Assess of the Adam Thoroughgood House, James River Institute for Arch, May 06, ref 29 page 8
157. Waterman, Farrar & Lancaster-Kellam, Domestic Colonial Architecture of Tidewater - Old Virginia Houses Along the James & Historic Virginia Homes and Churches - Old Houses in Princes Anne Virginia
158. The First 100 Years in Hampton Roads, the 17th Century
159. Anniversary of the Settlers' First Landing at Cape Henry
160. The History of Cape Henry
*161. Historic Documents
162. ODEC History
163. ODEC 21st Century
164. Area Historic Churches
164a. Bayside Heritage Day 2010 / Bayside Heritage Trail / Historic Churches (continued)
165. Virginia's Colonial Churches
166. Fairfield, Uper Wolfsnare, Walke Manor / Fery Farm houses
167. Thoughgood's Four Houses - 1634, 1643, 1670s, 1690
168. Virginia Historic Houses
169. Virginia Historic Houses (continued) & House Tours
170. Through the Years, Celebrating Our Church History
171. Notable People
172. Oyster Roast and Bazaar / Needlepoint / Silver / Handbells / The Parks Memorial Fine Art Series
173. The Five Organs
174. Grace Sherwood, the Witch of Pungo
175. Surveys, Maps, Deeds and Court Records
176. ODEC Historical Graveyard
177. Indians
178. War Years
179, Lost Colony / Jamestown
Historic Books about War in Virginia
180. Brands, H.W., The Man Who Saved the Union, Ulyses Grant in War and Peace
181. Brick, John, The Richmond Raid
182. Catton, Bruce, The Army of the Potomac, A Stillnes at Appomattox
183. Catton, Bruce, The Army of the Potomac, Glory Road
184. Catton, Bruce, The Army of the Potomac, Mr. Lincoln's Army
185. Cecere, Michael, The Invasion of Virginia 1781
186. Cecere, Michael, A Universal Appearance of War, The Revolutionary War in Virginia, 1775-1781
187. Cobb, Michael J, Fort Wool, Star Spangled Banner Rising
188. Hanbury, Elizabeth, The Battle of Great Bridge
189. Jones, Virgil Carrington, Ranger Mosby
190. Lossing, Benson, Illustrated History of the Civil War
191. Mass, John R., The Road to Yorktown
192. McPherson, James M., Battle Cry of Freedom, the Civil War Era
193. Nelson, James L., George Washington's Great Gamble and the Sea Battle that won the American Revolution
194. Philbrick, Nathaniel, George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution
195. Philbrick, Nathaniel, In the Hurricane's Eye, the Genius of George Washington and the Victory at Yorktown
196. Quarstein, John V., Fort Monroe, the Key to the South
197. Taylor, Alan, The Civil War of 1812
198. Tyler, Fielding Lewis, Fort Story and Cape Henry
199. Unger, Harlow Giles, Lafayette
Virginia History
200. Beard, Charles A. & Mary R., The Rise of American Civilization, 1930
201. Donald, David Herbert, Lincoln, 1995
202. Mapp, Alf J, JR., The Faiths of Our Fathers, What America's Founders Really Believed, 2003
203. McCullough, David, John Adams, 2001
204. Scheffel, Richard L., Rider's Digest, America's Historic Places, 1988
205. Stewart, David O., Madison's Gift, 2015
206. Vermillion, Michael M., Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Kempsville, Virginia (Lynnhaven Paris AD 1637)
207. Wood, Gordon S., Friends Divided, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, 2018
208. Woodard, Colin, American Nations, 2011, Chapter 3, pages 44-46, Founding Tidewater
Other Historic Books
209. Perrine, H. Delano, Daniel Perrin, the Huguenot, 1910
210. The Lynnhaven Parish Vestry Book 1787-1911

**Books and Articles Related to Sacred Ground Circle (SGC)
and Becoming Beloved Community (BBC)

Three-Ring Binders

Three-Ring Binder No. 1 Containing SGC Sessions
SGC Session 1
Excerpts from book, Healing our Broken Humanity
A Segregated Church or a Beloved Community
Black History is Everyone’s History, by Leonard Pitts Jr.
Not Somewhere Else, but Here, by Dr. Rebecca Ann Parker
SGC Session 2
A Geographic Lesson for the Tea Part, by Colin Woodard
Roots Deeper than Whiteness
A Geography Lesson for the Tea Party, by Collin Woodward
The Five Stages & White People Waking Up Racism
On White Tears
SGC Session 3
Tribal Nations of the Thirteen Colonies
Unshackled by Vision and Values, by Martin Brokenleg
Wounded Knee
SGC Session 4
New England’s Hidden History
The White Man’s Guilt, by James Baldwin in Ebony Magazine
SGC Session 5
Moving Beyond the Black-White Binary, by Roberto Lovato
The High Cost of Discrimination, by Whitney M. Young Jr.
Institutional Slavery: Slaveholding Churches, Schools, Colleges, and Businesses in Virginia, 1680-1860, by Jennifer Oast
Moving Beyond the Black-White Binary
SGC Session 6
Asian Americans Speak Out Against a Decades-old ‘Model Minority’ Myth, by Yanan Wang
The Real Reasons the U.S. Became Less Racist Toward Asian Americans, the Myth of the ‘Model Minority’, by Jeff Guo
The Chinese in the Frontier West
SGC Session 7
How the Iris Became White, by Noel Ignatiev Routledge
Session 8
What So Many People Don’t Get About the U.S. Working Class, by Joan C. Williams
SGC Session 9
Ghosts of the Masters: Descendants of Slaveholders Reckon with History, by David Pettee & Susan Hutchison
SGC Arlicles
*Virginia & D.C. African American Historic Museums & Landmarks
*A litany for those not ready for healing by Rev Dr Yolanda Pierce
*Cast, the origins of our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson
*Saint Leo University to Present 'Courageous Conversations' Examing Social Justice Issues.
*Episcopal Church Resolutions: Slavery & Racial Repair Passed at the 2006 General Convention, A123, A127,C11
*Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory by David W. Blight
*Confronting Difficult History, History Matters, Historical Introduction: Confederate Monuments and Symbolism
*Nat Turner will be included in anti-slavery monument
*Whose Heritage? Public Symbols of the Confederacy by the Southern Poverty Law Center
*The forks in the road slave auction site were as Despicable as Richmond's
*There is no such thing as "race."
*Critical Race Theory is not on its way to your local public school today.
*Atlanta History Center guiding principles
*The Resurrection of the Church Begins with Lament, Psalm 142 & Lamentations.
** Books Used for Sacred Ground
** Dawson, Michael, White Fragility
** Irving, Debby, Waking Up White
** Oliver, Juan Ripe Fields, The Promise and Challenge of Latino Ministry
** Thurman, Howard, Jesus and the Disinherited
** Wallis, Jim, America's Original Sin

Books about Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, and Racial Injustice
1. Barnwell, William, Lead Me On, Let Me Stand (2 books)
2. Campbell, Benjamin, Richmond's Unhealed History
3. Dailey, Jane, Before Jim Crow
4. Gates, Jr., Henry Lewis, The Black Church, This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
5. Gawande, Atul, Being Mortal
6. Green, Victor H., The Negro Motorist Green Book
7. Harris L. Antipas, Is Christianity the White Man's Religion? How the Bible is Good News for People of Color
8. Hendrix, Edna Hawkins, History Continued: African American Communities in PA Anne County (Part II)
9. Irving, Debby, Waking Up White
10. Keller Thoennes, The Slave Trade in Early America
11. Kendi, Ibram X., How to be an Antiracist
12. Morgan, Edmund S American Slavery, America Freedom (2 books)
13. Nevis, Winfield S., Witchcraft in Salem Village in 1692
14. Newby-Alexander, Cassandra L. Virginia Waterways and the Underground Railroad
15. Oast, Jennifer, Institutional Slavery, Slaveholding Churches, Schools, and Businesses in Virginia, 1680-1860
16. Perrine, Robert, Slavery and Its Aftermath
17. Stevenson, Bryan, Just Mercy
18. Spellers, Stephanie, The Church Cracked Open: Disruption, Decline, and New Hope for Beloved Community
19. Thurman, Howard, Jesus and the Disinherited
20. Wilkerson, Isabel, The Warmth of Other Suns, the Epic Story of America's Great Migration
21. Woodson, Carter, The Mis-Education of the Negro
22. The 1619 Project - no author
23. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice - no author

Three-Ring Binder No. 2a Containing Newspaper Articles About Racism
38. For Virginia's Mattaponi, it's time for recognition 28 Nov 2024,The Virginian Pilot
37. Time to Dispel Persistent Myths about the First Thanksgiving -Nov 24, 2024, the Washington Post
36. Pleasant Ridge School, last standing one-room schoolhouse for black students - interview by Georgia Allen on WHRO, Nov 12, 2024
35. School for enslaved children finally gets a place in history (the Bray School), Nov 1, 2024
34. Rehab of Alamo sparks fight over portrayal of slavery's role in battle, Jul 13, 2024
33. Yale apologizes for ties to slavery, plans to aid and train local educators, Feb 17, 2024
32. How Carter G. Woodson turned February into Black History Month, Feb 11, 2024
31. A textbook case of fake news, Feb 10, 2024
30. Tour offers chance to walk through enslaved Black person's life, 9 Feb 2024
29. Getting Black voters' support, Feb 6, 2024
28. Determined educator revisits a contentious book, Feb 6, 2024
27. Across the South, a legal fight to empower minority voters, Dec 23, 2024
26. Loyola University Maryland says it had ties to an 1838 sale of slaves, Jan 18, 2024, the Washington Post
25. As King knew, the arc of the universe has to bend toward family, too, Jan 15, 2024
24. Va. Beach's Seatack now a state historic district, Jan 9, 2024
23. Nones' reshaping America's faith landscape, Dec 13, 2023
22. 30% in US identify with no religion, Dec 13, 2023
21. Good Neighbor Kindergarten, Dec 2023
20. A categorical no to the concept of race, Oct 19, 2023
19. Documents reveal monarchy's intimate role in the transatlantic slave trade, Oct 1, 2023
18. The best middle and high school program no one knows about, Sep 2023
17. Jesuits, Georgetown give $27M to fund for descendants of enslaved people, Sep 14, 2023
16. At 'ground zero' for slavery, a new museum helps rewrite history, International African American Museum (IAAM)
15. Ruling tilts SBA minority program, Sep 8, 2023
14. The Tulsa race massacre's 'public nuisance' is an ongoing injustice, Sep 8, 2023
13. History of Thanksgiving begins close to home, Nov 24, 2022
12. What MLK Day Recalls in D.C., the 1963 March on Washington Produces a Sermon for Ages, Jan 16, 2023
11. The Racial Reckoning That Led to Lots of Talk But Little Real Change, Jan 16, 2023
10. Where Do You Really Come From? That's a Toxic Question, Dec 11, 2022
9. Slavery and salvation: Modern churches reckon with history in the trade, Aug 2, 2020
8. Discussions About Racism, Aug 2,2020 (The Rev. Bob Randall interviewed)
7. Historic American church set integrate its slavery ties, Aug 20,2021
6. Slavery Shaped Harvard, May 2,2022
5. Harvard's History with Slavery Reveal and Ugly Truth, Apr 29, 2022
4. It's Time for a Full Accounting of the Sexual Exploitation of Black Women, Apr 30, 2022
3. Empower Students by Teaching History in Full, April 2022
2. Book Uses 19th-Century Letters and Petitions to Explore Abraham Lincoln's Connection to the Black Community During Civil War, Mar 6, 2022
1. Black History Bus Tour Highlights 1619 Memorial and More, Feb 10, 2022

Three-Ring Binder No. 2, Containing Newspaper Articles About Racism
1. A Look at the History of Black Beaches, Sep 17, 2021
2. Narrowing the Racial Wealth Gap, Aug 1, 2021
3. Civil Rights Leader Fought for Equality through Math, Jul 26, 2021
4. Students Need to Know about History's Haters, Jul 25, 2021
5. Any Criminal Justice Reform Has to Include the Military, Jul 6, 2021
6. Fort Monroe and National Park Service Launches Virtual Book Club, Jul 5, 2021
7. Montpelier Shares Power with Enclaved People's Descendants, Jun 28, 2021
8. Fighting Racism Can Help Fight Crime, Jun 21, 2021
9. Segregated Hospitals Are Killing Black People, Jun 21,2021
10. Exploring Black History in Va. Beach, Jun 20,2021
11. The South needs a new Reconstruction, June 17, 2021
12. VMI's 'Racist and Sexist Culture,' Jun 3, 2021
13. It Was Much More Than Tulsa, Jun 1, 2021
14. Patriotism and the Promise of Black Liberation, May 2021
15. When it Comes to Knowing U.S. History, We Should are be 'Woke,' May 26, 2021
16. CDC Director Names Racism a Public Health Threat, Apr 10, 2021
17. Study: 1 in 7 U.S. Prisoners are Serving a Life Sentence, Mar 7, 2021
18. Book Review, Agents of Change, Dec 20,2020
19. Raphael Warnock Can Bring the Gospel Back to Public Life, Dec 11, 2020
20. Women Retrace Harriet Tubman's 116-Mile Journey, Nov 26, 2020
21. John Lewis' Life a Master Class in Stubborn Resolve, Nov 12, 2020
22. Free for All Toward a Racal Reckoning (visit to the VA Memorial to Enslaved Laborers), Aug 22, 2020
23. U-Va. Memorial to Enslaved Workers Reclaims Lost Lives, Aug 16, 2020
24. Slavery and Salvation: Modern Churches Reckon With History in the Trade, Aug 2, 2020
25. Fairfax's Robert E. Lee High to Be Renamed for Civil Rights Icon John Lewis, Jul 23, 2020
26. Charlottesville's New Holiday Divides Its Residents Again, - 'Jefferson's Town' is Steadily Reexamining His Place in It, Mar 2, 2020
27. Virginia Panel Finds Scores of Defunct, Racist laws It says Should be Erased, Dec 6, 2019
28. How Slavery Warped Jefferson’s Vision for U-VA., Nov 3, 2019
29. At Jefferson's U-Va., Slavery and Abuse, Nov 2019
30. Historians Will Shed New Light, Reveal Latest Research on 1619, Sep 7, 2019
31. The Celebrations Underscoring the Effects of 1619 Produced a Satisfying Surprise for Those Who Attended Historical Fort Monroe, Aug 2019
32. Bells of Healing, Four Minutes of Ringing Symbolized 400 Years Since African Arrival, Aug 25, 2019
33. Pilgrimage Unites Family - Sisters, Cousins Convene for 1619 Commemoration, Aug 26, 2019
34. Calls for Change as Thousands Pay Tribute to Africans' 1619 Arrival, Aug 25, 2019
35. Reconstruction Undone by Campaign of Violence, May 13, 2019
36. Bible Used as Force for Hope, Subjugation, As soon as Enslaved people learned to read English, they Immediately began to read the Bible, and they immediately began to protest this idea of biblical justification for slavery. May 2019
37. Freed slave in Virginia become spy, took down Confederate White House, Mar 24, 2019
38. Remembering Virginia's Resistance to Desegregation, Feb 2019
39. Extraordinary Biography of Eminent, Solitary Figure (Frederick Douglass), Feb 3, 2019
40. Angela's Story - Little is known about one of the first Africans brought to Virginia, but her impact is still felt today, Jan 30, 2019
41.New Historic Marker Will Honor Black Portsmouth Educator, I.C. Northam High Namesake, Feb 3, 2018
42. Gov. Northam Signs Easement to Protect Historic Black Cemetery in Hampton, Aug 26, 2018
43. Stocks Are Soaring and Most Black People are Missing Out, Oct 12, 2020
44. Slaves' Civil War 'Wages' Went to Their Oppressors, Jul9, 2020
45.How One Painting Came to Define What Jesus Looked Like, Jun 27, 2020
46. Honoring a Shared History, the commonwealth has taken an important step toward inclusion with Juneteenth holiday, Jun 19,2020
47. A Witness to Slavery Is Finally Heard, May 21, 2018
48. So Far, So Good in Seatack, Where Dreams Are Becoming Achievable, Nov 23, 2017
49. Before It's Built, Beach's Planned African American Cultural Center Seeks a Foundation of Local Stories, Nov 26, 2017
50. Study Reveals Details of Local African American Neighborhoods, Oct 13, 2017
51. Frankly, My Dear, It's Banned. Should thorny classics like "Gone With the Wind" be treated like Confederate statues? Sep 12, 2017
52. Slaves Were "Better Off" on Plantations Than in Africa, Five misconception about slavery, 12, 2017
53. Region's Confederate Statues Built Near Sites with Slavery Links, Aug 20, 2017
54. Charlottesville Was Not the Last Dance, and It Will take Leadership to Prepare for the Next, Aug 20, 2017
55. Too Many Americans Still Don't See Black History as Their Own, Jul 2, 2017
56. Marking the Year 1619, May 30, 2017
57. Digging Through History. Archaeologists look for clues where slaves first tested liberty, Jun 10, 2014
58. On Tangier, Slaves Could Choose: Liberty, Afar or Fight for British, Paul Clancy, Jul 8, 2012
59. Olmsted's Dispatches Added to Swamp's Lore, Paul Clancy, Jan 29, 2012
60. In 1619, First Africans Landed in Virginia, Paul Clancy, Feb 12, 2012
61. Book Looks at Lincoln's Complex Views on Race, The new book, Colonization After Emancipation - Lincoln was even more committed to colonizing blacks than previously known. Mar 7, 2011
62. The Truth About Jamestown, Mar 6, 2007

Three-Ring Binder No. 3 Containing Newspaper Articles About Racism
1. A Self-Guided Tour of African American History in Virginia Beach
2. Famous Artist Designs Racial Justice Windows for National Cathedral, (picture) Sep 24, 2023
3. White Too Long - Robert P. Jones, Sep 2023
4. Reprimanded for teaching a book on race, Mary Wood, Sep 22, 2023
5. The Dawn of American Slavery - Angela, Virginia's first documented Aftrican woman, May 1, 2019, the Washington Post (in binder jacket)
6. Oldest Schoolhouse (the Bray School) for Black Children Relocated to Colonial Williamsburg, Feb 11, 2023
7. How a Historian (Professor Terry L. Meyers) Discovered The Bray School, Feb 11, 2023
8. Black History Month: Needed Then - and Now, Feb 11, 2023
9. In South, Money Flows in 'Civil Rights Trails' Feb 9, 2023
10. Great Bridge Battlefield & Waterways History Foundation - Washington Ditch Plaque (picture), Underground Railroad Route, and Maroon Communities
11. 'The 1619 Project' offers a peek at the truth, Feb 6, 2023
12. Church of England sheds light on 'shameful' slave trade ties
(includes Enslavement: Voices from the Archives - Lambeth Palace Library
13. Dismal Trade, A Woman Named Angelo, Dec 2021
14. Reckoning with the Past. A century after the Tulsa race massacre, June 2021
15. The Tulsa Race Massacre, 100 Years Later, May 29-30, 2021
16. Germany Faced Its Horrible Past. Can We Do the Same? June 6, 2021
17. A Tale of Two Cities, How did Norfolk become the racially segregated city it is today? Jan 24, 2021
18. Great Dismal Swamp, An Irreplaceable Hub of Black and Indigenous History, Feb 23, 2021
19. Teaching Slavery, Many textbooks gloss over slavery or contain misinformation. Almost every school district teaches slavery differently, Sep 4, 2019
20. Jonathan Daniels, was an Episcopal seminarian and civil rights activist. In 1965, he was murdered. 21 Aug, 2019
21. Phony Science Used to Justify Racial Beliefs - Angela was taken captive and forced aboard a Portuguese slave ship, May 1, 2019
22. "A Child Shall Lead Them." Students'1951 Walked out Blazed a Trail for School Desegregation, April 23, 2016
23. Unsettled History, the 400 Anniversary of 1619 Will Spark a New Look at the New World, April 20, 2019
24. Escape, a 5-part series, published by the Virginian-Pilot tells of a monstrous crime on Blacks in the 1850s - from whippings as a routine job, to Leaving family behind, and to hiding out in the Great Dismal Swamp, on ship and in church. Aug 24-28, 2014
25. Lumpkin's Jail, 1867
26. The Shackling of Jefferson Davis, 1865
27. Dr. Craven and the Captivity of Jefferson Davis at Fort Monroe, 1865
28. Controversial Ben Butler, 1861
29. Harrison Phoebus: From Farm to Fortune, 1840
30. Highlight of Black History at Fort Monroe, 1861
31. Fort Wool, 1813
32. The Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1806
33. George Washington's Slaves, 1799
34. Meet Ann Wager, the white headmistress of the Bray School, which educated enslaves children. 1760-1714
35. The Political Community in Virginia, Suffrage was often at the center of Virginia's constitutional convention debates, 1776
36. The World of the Williamsburg Bray School, Williamsburg's African American children, Slave Revolt in British Caribbean, the Fall of New France, taverns were steeped in 18th-century politics

Three-Ring Binder No. 4 Containing Articles About Racism in Numbered Order
-(In the cover jacket is a pamphlet - A Self-Guided Tour of 13 African American History Sites in Virginia Beach, by the Virginia Beach Convention & Visitor’s Bureau in partnership with the Virginia African American Cultural Center, Inc.)
1. Morning Star Baptist Church in Beechwood
2. Beechwood HRHP Recommendation for Morning Star Baptist Church on Historical Register
3. Virginia Beach L & J Neighborhood Make History
4. Good Neighbor Kindergarten: Racial Prejudice of Old Donation in Jim Crow Times by Mal Higgins and Bob Perrine
5. Enslaved Girl painting by Mary Anna Randolph Curtis who married Robert E. Lee
6. Reconciliation doesn't begin with past slavery-it begins HEAR & NOW!
7. Black History Month founder showed how schools should teach about race
8. Face America's Past. Some people are disturbed by what is being taught in our schools
9. Don't call it racial reckoning. The race toward equality has barely begun.
1o. What Racial Reckoning, a word that's been thrown around like popcorn.
11. My church will replace our Black Lives Matter sign. Will America replace its racist myth?
12. The founder of Johns Hopkins owned enslaved people. Our university must face a reckoning.
13. American Christianity’s White-Supremacy problem.
14. Byron Allen: "Black America Speaks. America Should Listen."
15. Teaching America's Truth.
16. Dark Times in the American Southern Colonies.
17. Theodore Milton Thoroughgood Seldon was an exceptional young Black man.
18. Here's the real story of Columbus that people prefer to ignore.
19. Nat Turner's Bible donated to museum -VA. Beach family had relic.
20. The Civil War in Hampton Roads, 1861-1862
21. Lord Dunmore offering freedom to any slaves will to bear arms for the British.
22. Notable Women during the slave years.
23. The Emancipation Oak, and teachers Mary Peake and Ann Wager.
24. The first Black Americans - a group of enslaved Africans changed Jamestown and the future of a nation.
25. White House slavery and 1619.
26. 1619 commemoration brings thousands seeking to learn true history of first Africans in Virginia.
27. The first Africans in Virginia landed in 1619. It was a turning point for slavery in American history - but not the beginning.
28. Indentured Servants evolve into slavery.
29. Virginia, the Old Dominion, by Matthew Anderson, 1937, pages 88-89 - "The Virginia archives show that throughout the second quarter of the seventeenth century Negroes were being released at the end of their periods of indenture. " 30. Keeping history straight: Before 1619 there was 1513, 1565, and 1586.
31. During slavery, Virginians approved of it using, among other justifications, the Bible.
32. History of slavery starting 11,000 years ago.
33. Twelve Presidents who owned slaves.
34. The Episcopal Church is 90% white and 4% Black (% of each religious group in each racial/ethnic category.
35. Most culturally diverse cities in the U.S. - Virginia Beach 180th out of 493.
36. Troubling History of Slavery and Racism at Lynnhaven Parish by Mal Higgins and Bob Perrine.
37. Tracing African Americans at Old Donation.
38. Willis A. Hodges, Black Cape Henry lighthouse keeper during the Civil War.
39. Black History: Princess Anne County, Virginia Beach: a Pictorial History by Edna Hawkins-Hendrix.
40. Story of a slave named Rachal belonging to Lynnhaven Parish Church and a servant named Elizabeth Taplin who belonged to Sarah Thoroughgood.
41. Story of Indigenous and Black people at Lynnhaven Parish Church.
42. Virginia Beach Seatack Elementary School making dreams possible one student at a time.
43. Virginia Beach Seatack's New Jerusalem Church of God, Pastor YD Thoroughgood.
44. Joseph Grimstead helped build Virginia Beach Seatack's Black community dies at the age of 97.
45. The History of Slavery in and around Old Donation - article includes Seatack, Theodore Milton Seldon, John Harris and Darnell Thoroughgood, and the first Black girl to attend the Old Donation Day School.

Three-Ring Binder No. 5 Containing Articles About Racism
1. This is what election protest are really about
2. Why does the South have such feeble credit scores?
3. Celebrate Black History. All of it.
4. GOP leans into vague, expansive 'wokeism'
5. How a historian discovered the Bray School
6. The Bray School - Oldest schoolhouse for Black children relocated to Colonial Williamsburg
7. Black History Month: Needed then - and now
8. In the South, money flows in on 'civil rights trails'
9. Governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, proclaims Black History Month
10. 'The 1619 Project' offers a peak at the truth
11. Church of England sheds light on 'shameful' slave trade ties
12. Florida offers an advanced lesson in anti-Blackness
13. What more education on racial issues taught me
14. Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's Christmas message 2022: 'Love always'
15. Troubling History of Slavery and Racism at Lynnhaven Parish, by Mal Higgins
16. Troubling History of Slavery and Racism at Lynnhaven Parish, by Mal Higgins and Bob Perrine
17. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial
18. John Benjamin Dey (1874-1957) and his cousin Judge Benjamin Dey White (1868-1946)
19. The Historical Trilogy - Morning Star Baptist Church, Beechwood Community and William Skinner School
20. Stained glass window gets a 2nd look - Pane shows Jesus with dark skin, stirs questions about race.
21. Slavery in Princess Anne County, 1619 - 1790 - summary by Bob Perrine
22. Black turnout dropped in 2023 midterms, slippage of nearly 10%;
Only 1/3 of enrolled undergraduates at historically Black colleges are men.
23. More clues found in Powder Magazine mass grave mystery. About 4,000 casualties were reported during the Battle of Williamsburg in Union Gen. McClellan's quest to drive up from Ft. Monroe and capture Richmond.
24. Iron-willed widow cultivated, protected Thorowgood family legacy. After Adam Thorowgood's untimely demise, his wife proved more than capable of managing the Thorowgood estate.